Fool's Mate

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The sky forecasted rain for a second and it fell the next. It would surely leave, as quickly as it came. Running on his own, there was not much he could do to arrive home in time. So, to the nearest shelter he hid. And there, he met up with me.

Brown, small eyes were set on the darkened sky. He looked lost and concerned, something all too familiar in his expressions, I would recall. It was as if he had something important to do, but the rain had cursed him to stay put. But, to me, it had been but a small blessing.

"Did you forget your umbrella, Furihata-kun?" I asked, a small smile naturally formed out of the newfound kindness. The moment he heard my voice, his semblance and body language changed drastically. Instead of a steady sway, he was now shaking all over and his eyes managed to glance at me for a second before turning back away to the pouring rain. A delayed nod ensued, prompting a scoff from me.

"Ah, I usually bring my umbrella with me, yet today was the exception." But I would not mention that it was on purpose. I knew rain was to come but the lack of an umbrella gave me a chance to indulge in something new. Whether I was to pause the world and wait, or rush in the downpour, without a concern of the effects that would come with it. I did not expect to find that boy once again, but I recalled hoping for something similar.

What a simple man and, yet, what an intriguing presence.

Unable to keep my eyes away from him, I stared on at the way he shook, the way he stared at the sky as if begging for the moment to end. ...Or maybe he wished for something else. Eyes closing just a little further, I noticed it. He wasn't just shaking because of me, but...

"Do you mind if we drop by a café that happens to be near here? I was planning to go buy some coffee there before the rain dropped. Maybe, it could help you warm up a little. You will not regret trying it, I assure you."

"Ah! The café with the jasmines in front? I go there often!"

"Huh? Oh... So, you're also a regular? I never would've guessed..." I certainly never would've. A small coincidence, but somehow it rang a little more special than that. He recognized the flowers; he probably liked a couple of drinks and treats. "Well, then. That makes things easier. Here..." I offered my one of my hands to him and he glanced it as if it were the ultimate gift and he, an undeserving receiver. He hesitated, but I shook my hand a little more, prompting for him to hurry and, in a forced manner, he placed his hand on mine and I gripped it tight before it was too late.

"What are you p-planning to do, Akashi-san?" he asked, unsure of what the handholding could mean. Of course, we're not close, not even close to the term. And yet, here I am, holding his hand and staring for a while too long. It has been like this ever since the start. Surprisingly, he never noticed, but whenever he is around, directly on my point of view, I cannot help but stare back. It comes naturally and I fail to contain my habits.

"Ah, right. We're going to run through it. Through the rain to the café. It's not that far, after all. We can make it in less than 5 minutes if we run." I inform, to which Kouki shakes a little further. It didn't seem like he wanted to say no, but to my step, he fails to respond, and he just stares back at me now. What is it, then? "Do you refuse, Furihata-kun?"

The prompt comes like a scolding, or that's what he reflects with the little panicked jolt. If only I could maintain a more relaxed semblance, maybe he wouldn't take it the wrong way. So, I try just that, soften your features... show him you mean no harm. But no matter how much I try to keep a gentler expression, his bewilderment doesn't change. Ah, this is concerning. Maybe my social skills are much worse than I thought.

"I... I accept, but... if we run like this, we won't be able to enter the café, right?"

"Ah, do not worry, I'll make sure that, at least you can enter." Because he needed the warmth more than I did.

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