•It Rains, It Pours•

Start from the beginning

You pulled out your phone and pressed play on the recording, turning the speaker on so if the man got close enough he would hear. Out from your phone spoke your own voice, a filter on it so it didn't necessarily sound like you.

Recording: Hey girl! where are you? You were meant to be here 20 minutes ago is everything alright?

Y/N: Hey yeah, I just left work a little late. I'm almost at yours though, just round the corner.

Recording: Oh nice! I'll meet you outside so you don't go to the wrong house like last time! Stay on the phone until you get here just incase, wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last week!

Y/N: Yeah I'll stay on the phone no problem.

The conversation with your old self carried on as if you were old friends. The only way it could have been more realistic was if you recored someone else voice, but the only friend you had was Sejin and he would have never helped you record it, not before asking a million questions about why you needed one in the first place and you didn't want him to know about your escape plan. He would have tried to stop you. You had practiced your responses so much that you knew the timing well enough to make the conversation sound realistic and you could carry your attention back to the man. 

He had his hand pressed to the outside of his hood, a gesture you recognised to be talking into an ear piece.

Hmm, so he's not working alone then...

You turned the corner to the street that the supermarket was on as the lampposts flickered on for the evening, lining the pavement with iridescent pools of orange. The fake conversation was still playing through your phone and your replies grew louder as the man got closer. He was about 10 meters away from you now. He was too close. You could see the supermarket in the distance, but the lights were off and a barrier blocked the entrance to the carpark. It was closed.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Without any other option, you broke into a run, your hood falling down in the rain. The illusion of the phone call had come to an end as you used your arms to gain speed. The jig was up. Predictably, the man started running too, he was faster than you and was getting closer. You'd have to fight. You turned left down an alleyway, this was gonna be messy and the less eye witnesses the better. The alleyway was a dead end, the perfect arena for a show down. You flicked your head backwards to see the man, he had an arm outstretched toward you, about half a meter away from your hood.

Well now or never.

You picked up the speed as you reached the end of the alley to gain power. Pouncing in the air, you kicked off the far wall like a springboard and flipped into the air performing a backflip, landing behind where the man should have been. Without thinking you thrust your fist where his neck should be. Apart from he wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere in sight. You lowered into a defensive crouch, your head flicking left and right to look for the man. Your now wet hair whipped with your head, sticking to your face, making you look like some kind of ferrel animal. 

What the....

There was no where for the man to hide. No dustbins, no escape routes, no cardboard boxes. Nothing. He was just gone. 

He was just here. I saw him. He almost had me. Where did he go.

You didn't want to stick around long enough to find out. Without looking back, you ran all the way back to your apartment and locked the door behind you. 




Life has been unexpectedly busy but I'm back at it now dw 😅

If you haven't figured out already, I am in fact British so some terminology in this chapter may be a bit confusing for some people so I'll leave a cheat sheet below 😚

Thank you for sticking with this story, it gets more interesting from here I promise!

Also, who do you think the man was?? let me know you theories!😏

Pavement - Side walk 

Lampost - Street light

Supermarket - Superstore 

carpark - parking lot 

If there are anymore or I've got some wrong do correct me in the comments! 



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