9: Our Little Babies?

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April 23rd, 1:29 PM. Location: Kyoto's Hospital.

A long, piercing scream was heard throughout the room, as Izuku threw his head back on the pillow. "G-Gah... Ah... I... I did it..." He panted, looking down. "Yeah-" Katsuki said, but stopped when the nurse shook her head. 

"I'm sorry, but you're not fully done, Izuku... Apparently, you guys are having twins-" She claimed, handing the baby to one of the doctors. To these words, Bakugou sprung standing. "WHAT!? WHY THE HELL DID WE NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS?! THIS IS BULLSHIT! THERE'S ONE KID AND ONE KID ONLY! NO WAY IN HELL WE'RE HAVING TWINS!" He yelled, unable to believe what was about to happen. However, in several minutes, another little baby was crying... Just as loud as the other one. 

After having cleaned the babies, they were both handed to their parents. Izuku wasn't surprised, he was actually happy to have twins. As for his alpha, he was still in disbelief. He was holding his newborn baby. A boy. He was small, green hair, red eyes, and little freckles on each cheeks. It's small hands, wrapped around the alpha's fingers. As for Midoriya, he was holding a baby boy too. He was blonde, with green eyes, and he wouldn't want to stop moving at all, unlike it's brother. 

Katsuki smiled, as well as his omega. The doctors left, and the nurses too, giving the two boyfriends some space. 

"They're so cute..." Izuku whispered, pressing a kiss on the blonde baby's head. 

"I know right?" Bakugou chuckled. "Twins..." 

The omega smiled, looking up at his alpha. "Thank you so much, Kacchan. Without you, I would've gotten an abortion, and this miracle wouldn't of happened..." The green haired boy sniffled. Katsuki nodded, smirking and cooing at the baby in his arms. 

"What do we call them?" The green haired boy smiled, looking up at his boyfriend.

Both boys thought for a moment, before looking at each other and sharing a smile.

They knew exactly  what their names were going to be.

I'm sorry, but it looks like Bakugou's got huge boobs in the picture- Is it just me?! 

-Sucky Author

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