adam and eve

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** i recommend reading the last chapter over since it's been months since i've updated lol sorry**

Day Twenty-three

Juliet opens her eyes to the sun shining over the forest. She squints, holding her forehead with her hand and covering her eyes with her other hand to block the sun. Nothing like waking up to a headache.

She turns her head to her left, staring at Toni. She smiles at the girl remembering the night they shared prior. Toni says in a sleepy voice, "Stop staring at me you creep."

Juliet laughs as Toni sits up smiling. "I had a good time last night, but, uh, we should probably get our story straight about where we were last night before we head back," Juliet mentions. "Whatever you want to say I'll co-sign," Toni responds before getting up to pick more lychees from the tree.

Juliet nods her head and gets up to help her  acquire the fruit. She has to stop for a moment, a wave of nausea kicking in. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just not that much of a morning person," she lies.
The two girls walk up to the rest of the group who were cooking the goat on a fire.
"Hey, where were you guys?" Dot asks as Juliet drops the fruit onto the sand.

"Um, well, we took a wrong turn and turned around, but then we realized it was actually the right way, so we turned back around again and-," Juliet rambles not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, we got lost and thought it'd be safer to camp out than hike back in the dark," Toni cut her off. Most of the girls didn't believe a word that came out of her mouth, noticing the purple marks sporting the right side of her neck. Fatin smirked as she looked down at the ground trying to contain her smile.

"Marty, is that the goat?" Toni asks her best friend, going over to comfort her realizing how much it must've affected her.

Juliet looks over at her sister who seemed to be staring at nothing. "Leah, can we talk?" Her older sister looks at her for a second, surprised she was speaking to her before nodding her head and getting up to talk in private.

The sisters sit down and don't say anything for a moment, looking into the ocean. "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you. I know you're just looking out for me. It's just hard being like this, you know? I mean, what 15 year old gets addicted to pills and manages to continue it while stranded on an island?" Juliet stated.

"I'm sorry for being a shitty sister, and for not being here for you while we're stuck in this... really weird situation," she finishes.

"Juliet, you aren't the only one to blame. I should've been here for you too and helping you instead of letting you shut me out. Not just while we've been stuck in this hell hole, but back home too. I was so obsessed with Jeffrey that I didn't even stop to think about how you were doing. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, Leah. We both fucked up in a lot of ways, but we're both here now. Alive. Even after a plane crash and food poisoning. So at least we still have each other. It's all that matters," Juliet gives her a smile small.

Leah nods in agreement and lies her head on her little sisters shoulder, happy that they resolved their problems. "By the way, what's that mark on your neck?" Leah asked knowing full well what it was.

"What?" She questions confused. "You have like 3 hickeys," Leah laughs. Juliet's mouth drops, grabbing onto her neck. "So are you two, like, together?" The older Rilke asks referring to Toni and Juliet.

"I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, once we leave this place, I doubt we're gonna see each other again. Other than the initial interviews for the first few months before everyone gets over what happened and moves onto the next thing. And I doubt she'd want to be in a relationship with someone younger than her anyways."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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