the halophen chronicles

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Day Twelve - Part Two

"Did you feel like you needed the pill though? Or did you say you didn't just so it would go to Toni?" Dr. Faber asked the young girl. Juliet wondered why he automatically assumed she did it for Toni. Why didn't he ask for Martha?

"No, I did feel better, even if it didn't last for long. In that moment, Toni needed that pill more than anyone," Juliet explained before she let out a chuckle. "What's funny?" Dr. Faber asked noticing her change of state.

"Nothing. It's just... that was the first time I had passed up a pill in so long. When I actually needed it. Pretty ironic."

"If it isn't Juliet Rilke. Looking good, babe," Connor, the football team quarterback, held a Lavish Grape Vodka Cocktail can out to the younger girl who was talking to a few friends. "Your favorite."

"You remembered," she took the drink from him. "Course I did, Rilke. So you and Addison are over. Pussy wasn't doing it for you anymore?" He chuckled. "Aaand this conversation is over," Juliet turned around. "Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Give me another chance." A smile broke out onto his face when he noticed Juliet not making a move to leave.

"I've been meaning to ask how you've been doing the past couple of weeks? You know, after Liam leaking the... video," Connor asked sincerely. "I'm fine. Just acting like it never happened which seems to be somewhat helping. People aren't talking about it as much anymore, so," Juliet explained. "Yeah, well he's a complete dickhead for doing that."

"Yo, Connor!" Another member of the football team wrapped his arm around the quarterback's neck. "Juliet." She nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Dude, Brody has hella shit with him. Xanax, Adderall, Molly. You gotta try it," Matthew spoke with a hyper attitude. "And Juliet, I know you'd never pass up the good shit." Connor looked at Juliet who had a blank face before a smirk showed up on her face. "Of course I wouldn't. Let's go." The two cheered as they made their way over to a bunch of people.

"What'll it be, lil lady?" Matthew, the school drug dealer, asked. Juliet debated getting her usual but decided not to. "Why not try something new? A Xanax, please," she said sweetly, batting her lashes and pushing her boobs together slightly. Matthew had to snap himself out of the trance she seemed to put him under.

"Here you go," he handed her the small plastic bag filled with two pills. "How much?"
"Don't worry about it. My good deed for the day, shawty," he flirted making her bat her lashes as she bent over to take the bag. Juliet thanked him before consuming the pills.

After a couple of hours partying, she took out her phone to check the time and saw the notification from Leah that said she was there. Juliet frowned realizing it was from an hour ago, so she went outside to call and see where her sister was.

As she was about to press the call button, she noticed Leah dancing in the street. Juliet laughed lightly watching her carefree sister. She hadn't seemed that light and happy for the first time in a while, so Juliet let her dance. She was about to go over and join her when she saw a car heading Leah's way. "Leah!" She screamed getting her attention, but it was too late.

It was nighttime and the girls were camped around the fire relaxing while Dot was doing a "routine consciousness check".

"You look cute in this jacket," Juliet complimented the pink leopard style clothing that Leah borrowed from Fatin. Leah chuckled softly. "Not exactly my style. So... you and Toni," Leah brought up, finally getting to talk to her sister about it.

Juliet rolled her eyes playfully. "Thanks Shelby," she muttered. "I already could tell that there was something kind of there. She confirmed my suspicions though. So what's up with you two?" Juliet looked at her big sister before glancing to Toni making sure she was still talking to Martha and not listening in. "I kissed her today in the woods... and then I puked so it was like super duper special and romantic," she said sarcastically.

"Seriously? How was it?" Leah asked. "Great. I mean, she kissed back. It was like passionate and amazing, but now I don't know what's going to happen next," Juliet explained. "Just talk to her tomorrow. I'm happy for you, Julie," Leah caressed Juliet's face. "Thanks, sissy," she slightly choked out, leaning into Leah's hand.

"Are you okay? You're like clammy," Leah noticed her sisters state as she felt her face. "I'm fine, just need to cool off. I'm gonna go on a short walk." Juliet stood up and walked away from the group. The Adderall had worn off by then, and she was starting to feel the effects of the food poisoning again now that the energy high was gone.

The girl walked off and every second that went by she felt worse and more dizzy. She turned back around to walk back to the campsite, and she heard someone call her name before she swayed back and forth and her vision went black.

The girls carried the unconscious member closer to the fire. "Turn her over on her side," Nora demanded. "What's happening to her?" Toni questioned shakily. "I don't know. Pepto might not have been the right thing," Dot responded unsure. Leah didn't know what to do. She just held onto her sister and caressed her face, unable to speak or think.

"Okay, so what do we do now, Dottie?" Shelby asked nervously. "I said I don't know," Dot demanded. "Okay, figure something out," Toni insisted the Texan. "Why did you give me the last one?" The basketball player snapped at Shelby. "Toni..." "You wasted it on me. Look at her! She's a good person, and people care about her, and she has a family, and you threw me a lifeline." "Toni, you were dying," Shelby explained to try and get through to her, but Toni only responded with, "Who cares? I don't matter."

That was the moment all of the girls saw how much Toni really cared for Juliet. Dot was racking her brain trying to think of what to do, but the only thing that was on her mind was the Halophen. "If we had the last Halophen she'd be able to keep down the water." That was when it hit Leah, and she spoke up. She didn't care about anything but saving her sister in that moment.

"There might be some more meds out there, maybe even the ones that she needs. In the forest, I might have dropped some," Leah confessed. "I was out there and basically delirious, and I guess I dropped the bag and everything just... spilled."

"Why didn't you tell any of us this before?" Dot asked in disbelief. "I-I don't know, but we need to save her, please. What do we do?" Leah chocked out. "Where ever you dropped it, you need to take me there now, Leah," Dot demanded.

"Do you hold any grudges against your sister for not saying anything sooner?" Dr. Faber questioned the girl. "No, I never did. I mean, maybe subconsciously I was a little upset, but not at all anymore. Life is way too short to hold grudges," she informed the two agents while feeling the white bandage around her neck.

Agent Young looked to Dr. Faber, and they both nodded their heads having thought the same thing. "Juliet, why don't we end off here today? Maybe we can bring you back in another time soon, but you should get some rest," Dean Young spoke and Juliet nodded and smiled.

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