what now?

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Day Fifteen

The past few days, Juliet was slightly in shock after her near death experience, but she didn't show it. She didn't want anyone to worry or being overbearing, so she hid her emotions. Plus, she didn't know how to talk to Toni. Usually, Juliet is an outgoing flirtatious girl, but something about Toni made her nervous. Maybe it was her more dominant energy, but it made Juliet avoid her.

Juliet had her bag in her arms as she tried to help Dot collect supplies that were being pulled out by the tidal surge. The girls were screaming, annoyed and upset that the ocean was ruthlessly taking everything and ruining their campsite.

After a few hours and the sun coming up, they all sat or walked around moping, other than Shelby who was working hard the past few days since she shared her religious views. Juliet walked out of the woods with her bag in hand, looking around. She watched Shelby fold some clothes, Fatin and Leah talking like Toni and a Martha, and then her eyes met with Dot who was already looking at her.

Dot had figured out her pattern by then. Every morning when there was a distraction or people were off doing their own thing, Juliet would disappear into the woods with her bag in hand. Dot knew something was up, she just had to figure out what it was. Juliet smiled at the Texan earning one back, but she caught Dot's intrigued look beforehand.

"We're fucking moving," Dot announced. "Again?" Martha moaned. "Take a real good look at this camp. It's not a refurb job. It is fucking totaled." "But I thought you said the cave was a bust?" Rachel questioned. "No, not the cave. We move to Gold Cliff Beach around the bend. Doesn't seem like the tides bitch, so maybe this tsunami horseshit won't hit us again," Dot explained.

"It's not as windy there either," Toni added making Juliet look at her. The basketball player felt her stare and looked over to the girl, but she quickly glanced away despite Toni still catching her. "Yeah, which will come in handy seeing as we no longer have a fucking fire to keep us warm," Dot made them aware of the temperature situation. "Shit. I hadn't thought of that. Who was on fire duty last night?" Toni called out.

Fatin's eyes slightly widened and Dot gestured over to her."Okay, technically, it was my turn, but Shelby practically begged me to sub her in, so Who was I to deprive her of that pleasure?" Fatin spoke about the girl who was no where to be seen.

"Look, I know that Shelby has been trying so hard to get back in our good graces, but some of you have been a little bit too quick to take advantage of that," Dot stated. "Yeah, sorry not sorry," Toni responded. "Who cares she's a bigot?" Fatin added.

"I'm gonna ask a question, and it may not be helpful," Leah spoke up. "Okay, good. Yeah, definitely do that," Dot said sarcastically.
"Why did this catch us so off guard? I mean, haven't you been keeping track of the tide?" Leah asked Nora.

"What are you saying, Nora should've seen this coming?" Rachel stuck up for her sister. "No, Rachel, that's not what I'm saying if you listen to me at all." "That's exactly what you're saying," Rachel didn't let it go. "What I'm saying is that-," Leah was interrupted by Martha who sat up and walked closer to them. "Why are we pointing fingers? It's not anybody's fault."

"It's true. It was bigger than a normal tide. Maybe from a storm or an offshore earthquake. It happened so fast, we all acting irrationally, like Fatin who jumped into a rip current to save her toothbrush," Nora informed everyone.

"What? It's the only thing keeping me human," Juliet chuckled at Fatin's words. "Or Rachel, who left me for fucking dead," Nora spat, calling her twin out. "I went to get the black box because it's our lifeline outta here. Don't come at me for that." "Well, I'm you're sister," Nora cried out.

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