blue and red

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Day Twelve - Part One

Juliet sat down in front of the two agents. "Juliet, I'm Agent Young and this is my colleague, Dr. Faber. We'll be conducting this interview. With your condition, if you feel the need to take a break, don't hesitate to say so. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible while also getting the detailing of what happened to you and the others out on that island," the agent explained.

Juliet nodded her head. "Your reports state that you're healing well. How do you feel?" Dr. Faber asked. "Like shit," she said quietly, not being able to raise her voice as she lightly touched the white bandage wrapped around her neck.

The agents looked at her before she spoke again. "So. Where do I even begin?"

The girls clicked. For the first time, they were an "us", even if they still weren't exactly friends. They all had shared tasks and rules. Everyone was entitled to one rest day.

"Ever since Jeanette's body went missing Leah was off. She was very... dark inside," Juliet said, her voice soft and slightly scratched. "I talked to your sister, actually, about this privately. I visited her in her room last night. I want to hear more about you," Dr. Faber told the girl.

"Oh, so you want the tea on my life," Juliet responded. "Buckle in, boys."

Leah jotted down her observations of the girls in her notebook. "THE FUCK IS UP WITH SHELBY," she wrote down, watching the blonde before her eyes caught sight of her sister coming back from the woods with her bag in hand. "Juliet is overly obsessed with Jeffrey." She continued to write, and then jotted down, "P.S. remind her to pick a new name for the bag."

Dot wasn't the only one who noticed the girl appear out of the woods. She wondered why she disappeared every morning. Leah assumed she didn't want to take her anxiety meds in front of everyone, so she did it in private.

The Texan didn't even know the girl had meds to take, but she caught a weird vibe from Juliet in the way that she was always anxious, seemed out of it a lot of the time, and overly energetic other times, especially for a girl who was running on barely any food.

At any other time, Dot would instantly assume drugs; however, they were deserted on an island. Where would Juliet be acquiring the substances? The medical bag wasn't missing anything that could potentially get someone high. So she brushed it off... mostly. In the back of her mind, she noted to keep an eye on her to see if there was anything to be suspicious about.

Juliet made her way over to Fatin, Toni, Dot, and Nora who sat around the fire. "Maybe it's not so bad to not have any food cause that means my morning skinny lasts all day, and shit do I look good," she lifted her shirt to show her toned stomach.

Fatin traced her finger down Juliet's ab lines. "Jesus, you have better abs than most of the guys I fuck." The girl dropped her shirt, chuckling. "Let me feel that six pack, cause this might be my only shot," Dot said making Juliet laugh and walk over to her. "It's not really a six pack, I just have the lines."

"Whatever it is, you might as well be in the cover of Sports Illustrated," Dot declared. "Okay, now we're reaching." Nora jumped up wanting to feel her ab lines too, and then Toni joined in as well. Leah watched everything happen, chuckling lightly at the weird scene of the four feeling her sisters stomach. She could see the change on her sisters face and energy when Toni touched her stomach even from the distance. "Juliet & Toni?" Leah wrote down in the notebook.

"Hey, party people!" Rachel yelled from the top of the cliff getting everyone's attention. "Who's ready to fucking feast?" She held up a bag of mussels proudly while dancing, earning a bunch of cheers.

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