never have i ever

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Day One - Part Two

After minutes of silence between them, Juliet decided to break it. "Listen, I get that Shelby may not be your cup of tea, but just let her believe what she wants to believe. I mean, she's not hurting anyone. Also, I do have a filled prescription of anxiety medication with me, so if you're going to be this angsty all day, you should consider taking one. It'll really take the edge off," Juliet ranted.

Toni was about to speak when Juliet beat her to it. "And we're back! Come on, I miss my sister already, and I'm guessing you miss Martha," Juliet turned her head to look at Toni who seemed to be studying the younger girl, which made her slightly insecure.

"Yeah, let's go," Toni responded, and the two made their way over to the group gathered around items.

"Hey, you guys partying without us?" Toni announced. "You guys are back. Find any water?" Martha asked.

"No," Toni answered while Juliet shook her head no. She ran over to Leah and kneeled down, tackling her into a hug, making her sister smile genuinely for the first time all day.

"I missed you. There was so much angst and drama on that hike," Juliet whispered into Leah's ear. "I'm never leaving you again from now on. So you might wanna get used to the annoying lil sis again. Haven't played that role in far too long," Juliet sat back up, helping her sister sit up too after pushing her back onto the ground.

"That is literally bullshit. You never stopped being annoying," Leah bluntly said, making Juliet gasp dramatically.

"Ran smack into a tree if you can believe," Juliet heard Shelby lie, which peaked the girls interest on why she was covering for Toni. She looked towards Toni who did the same and quirked an eyebrow up.

"Hey! Hey, the phone's working!" Rachel yelled from several feet away, holding the phone up in excitement.

"Listen, we have to be strategic. We only have one bar and almost zero battery life left. Every second counts," Rachel warned.

"May I just say I am ready to make the call? My aunt is a 911 operator," Shelby was cut off but ny a persistent Rachel.

"No, 911 is out. It doesn't work in every country and we don't even know where we are. So if we're closer to Japan, 911 is useless," Rachel declared.

"Japans emergency number is 119," Nora chimed in making Juliet smile at the girl's awkwardness. "Look, we only have to get in contact with one person, so I want you all to have someone in mind. Make sure you have their number and make sure they love you enough to d waiting by the phone right now."

Like her older sister, there was only one number Juliet knew by heart. Only one number she ever remembered. 

"And the last pair is... Juliet and Addison,"
Mr. Parker announced the partners for the project.

Juliet and Addison glanced at each other, sending small smiles to the others way. "Get started on this today as you only have three days to complete it," Mr. Parker stated as the bell rang, and everyone started making their way out of class.

"Hey, do you want to come over my house after school today to work on the project?" Addison questioned the other sophomore. Juliet smiled and nodded her head. "Sure, that sounds good."

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