Calm Weather and Still Water

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The next hour was pure hell. Jacob was bleeding from multiple points on his chest and was in no condition to teleport. Rose flooded healing magic into his body as Xavier and her began the slow trek through the mountain.

The pirate was able to create a few bridges made of ice to get them past the more treacherous parts of the trail but between Rose trying to heal Jacob while also helping carry the young rebel they were already spread thin.

Xavier had been in gory situations before, particularly during ship combat that went south, but there was something so excruciating about watching his friend slowly bleed in his arms.

Jacob had at least fallen into unconsciousness so he wasn't awake to endure the uncomfortable journey back to the city.

There was so much blood and the fear in Rose's eyes despite her best efforts to heal him was enough to make Xavier want to break down. If I had just learned the damned healing spell! Xavier repeated in his mind.

Eventually, the bleeding stopped and the duo was able to get Jacob back to Heacha where he could get medical attention.

Rose quickly spun a lie that they were explorers on a Kingston-sanctioned expedition and were able to get a bed in the Kingston barracks for Jacob to rest in as well as the medical supplies needed to aid him.

There wasn't much conversation to be had as Rose worked around the clock to get Jacob in a half-decent condition and the boy remained unconscious for most of the night.

This left Xavier sitting off to the side in silence and replaying what had happened in front of him. Atlas had been captured by Crius and was now held prisoner within the Indigo Jewel... but why? Why not just kill Atlas?

And Crius had proven himself to be so powerful with the jewel in his hands that he managed to defeat all three of them and nearly wipe out Jacob before Rose had forced the Guardian to retreat.

It all left Xavier uncertain that they stood a chance against an army of Guardians, especially without Atlas. But Rose had still managed to send Crius running once the full force of her power was unleashed so that may still be hope?

Xavier was forced to dwell on those questions without any answers for the rest of the night and into the next day when Jacob was finally ready to travel.

The group didn't want to chance their lie being disproven so they hurried out and aboard Marius's ship as the sun ascended into the blue sky.

There wasn't a single cloud to be seen and the wind was slow which meant that travel took far longer than it needed to. At the very least, it left the group plenty of time to recap everything that had happened and the plan going forward.

They were going to need to immediately come out swinging. There would be no holding back if they wanted to beat those monsters and free Atlas from their clutches.

Jacob explained to them that Atlas was needed to fully power the Indigo Jewel. Which meant that Atlas would at the very least be kept alive and could hopefully be rescued.

They finally reached the Azure Cove after sailing for the better part of a day and regrouped with Marius and Cannonball to get the latest news.

"The Stormcasters arrived yesterday and they've gotten so many crews on board. We just might have a larger force than what Clamerates is bringing." Marius recapped.

Cannonball nodded. "Pretty much the entire cove is supporting the battle. Tempus wants you to meet up with him when it's time to start planning the invasion."

"Well, unfortunately, we first need to swing by Clamerates to get them officially on board. Jacob, you've got your new proposal?" Xavier confirmed.

Jacob shrugged. "Not really. I'm giving them an amazing deal already. I don't know what more they want from me."

The Isles of Ice Book One: The Corrupted KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now