Cloudy Night with Cold Temperatures

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Xavier led the girl down to the dock where his boat was located. Cannonball and Marius had nearly lost their heads when Xavier had agreed to take the girl to Kingston.

The job seemed simple enough, Xavier had run the route at least a hundred times and he had a plan that would ensure his safety all the way. Plus, if the girl really paid whatever Xavier wanted he could make a nice chunk of change.

Xavier stopped at his boat which was now unloaded and waved to the two dock workers. "Thanks for your help lads! I'm taking the ole skimmer out again but hopefully, I'll see you both around."

Xavier hoped onto his ship and started setting up the sails while his cargo stood awkwardly on the dock. "You going to get on or what?" He asked the girl.

She broke from her trance and stepped onto the boat. "So Mr. Pirate, you got a name?" She asked.

Xavier rolled his eyes. "Around these parts, I'm known as the Ice Pirate. Though given your lifestyle I imagine you've never heard of me." His snide comment got the girl to huff so he added. "My name is Xavier. Happy?"

The girl immediately perked up. "Very! I'm Rose!" She held out her hand for a handshake and Xavier had to force himself not to laugh.

"Look lass, I know this is different from the castle you grew up in but we don't do all the formalities here," Xavier informed her and he unfurled the sail.

The boat started to speed out across the bay and towards the open ocean. Saltwater sprayed onto the passenger's faces as the ship continued to build up speed.

The waves were calm enough that once Xavier's skimmer got out onto the ocean it could navigate relatively smoothly without his constant attention.

The pirate tightened some knots and looked back at his cargo. "We'll arrive sometime at the next daybreak if this wind keeps up."

"So what's your plan?" Rose asked him. Xavier raised an eyebrow. "Your plan to not get caught when we reach Kingston."

Xavier put his pointer and middle fingers together and pointed them straight up into the sky. Ice started to fly from them for a moment before Xavier stopped the spell. "That answer your question?"

Rose shook her head and the captain nearly face-palmed. "I'll freeze the water once we get close to shore and have you walk off to your destination. If you're really nobility like you say I'm sure you can explain it all away. Then in two days, I come back and you give me additional compensation."

Rose seemed to want to protest but she stopped herself. "Seems like you've got it all figured out. But what if I don't come back? Or betray you when you come back?"

Xavier chuckled. "I assure you lass, you may not recognize the flag I fly but your father and his friends will. Messing with me is a bad idea."
Xavier gestured to the piece of cloth flying from the ship's mast.

The flag depicted Xavier's signature Gunsword and an iceberg signifying the pirate's two signature traits.

Rose tilted her head. "You look a bit young to be a feared pirate captain. What's your deal?"

Normally, Xavier would ignore questions he was asked but there was nothing secret about his origins nor did he want to miss the chance to brag to nobility.

"I grew up on Centrixia before Kingston gave it to the Scalliers. At around age 12, I had the opportunity to join a pirate crew as a mage in training and I took the offer. I worked hard every day and in return when the captain of my ship died I was put in command and able to run things myself. That was five years ago and during that time I made many friends and pulled off enough pirate campaigns for my name to be feared by common folk."

The Isles of Ice Book One: The Corrupted KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now