Clouds Clearing and a Shining Sun

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Xavier sailed across the sea in the direction of Marok aboard Marius's ship. The vessel was small enough that it could travel decently fast but wasn't as cramped as the dingy he had been using before and the pirate felt much more at home on the larger ship.

Being out on the sea helped to calm him down and think of a plan for what he could do about those two. They seemed to hate each other with a passion and Xavier had no idea how to diffuse the tension.

They were both fire magic users and Xavier couldn't relate to how heated they got. Xavier had captained a large crew for a few years but while there were disagreements, everyone was united under the same cause and never had a bloodlust for each other.

Even then, Xavier wasn't much for playing peacekeeper. His people skills were never his best aspect and he usually left his second in command, Helena, to deal with those problems.

The whole issue left Xavier feeling disappointed and frustrated with himself. He kept trying to come up with scenarios that would've let him better handle the situation but the fire in their eyes made it clear that things wouldn't have de-escalated without disarming them and separating them.

But there needed to be a better plan going forward. The group would need to be working together in harmony if they stood any chance against Astraeus and his goons alongside all the other fights they'd have to have on the way there.

The puzzling situation kept Xavier preoccupied as he sailed the ship towards Marok and was pleased to find that the rocks were now moved out of the way which made entering the island's main port a breeze.

Xavier expertly guided the ship to port and docked it. The pirate then hopped off of the boat and soaked in the warmth that the island's earth exuded.

A few people at the port recognized Xavier and waved to the captain. Xavier made friendly conversation before turning his focus to the village and marching up the dirt path.

It was late in the afternoon at this point and sunlight glistened off of the water and cast giant shadows on the village from the trees in the jungle.

Xavier arrived at the top of the hill where the homes that made up the village were stationed and where Arvirdi was speaking to a few villagers.

The pirate waited for his friend to finish his conversation before approaching the village chief. "Ahoy, Arvirdi!"

Arvirdi immediately lit up when he noticed Xavier and the two shook hands. "It's good to see you again Xavier. And so soon at that. Did your mission go well?"

"I wouldn't say it isn't going well but it has certainly become a lot more complicated," Xavier said before explaining everything that had happened over the last few days.

Once Xavier finished, Arvirdi didn't seem all that confused. "Mm, so it seems the Guardians have taken a turn for the worse. That's a shame. I'm glad you've at least got one on your side because they're incredibly powerful beings."

"You've met a Guardian before?" Xavier confirmed after doing a double-take.

Arvirdi shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "Indeed. I had many a conversation with Rhea in my time. I used to visit her shrine regularly on this island. And, on the Isle of Muerend I encountered one watching me from the distance."

"That was Atlas," Xavier explained. "They began guarding the Isle of Muerend after Solanja went underwater."

"Well, it seems you've gotten yourself wrapped up in quite a big plot, Xavier," Arvirdi observed. "Unfortunately I can't do anything to help other than provide you supplies for our usual price. Though I really do hope you come out of it alive."

The Isles of Ice Book One: The Corrupted KingdomΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα