Cloudy with a chance of Rain

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Atlas drifted down the dirt path ahead of the two travelers with their sword drawn. Xavier kept his weapon out as well in case their tense peace broke for any reason.

The likely cause of any peace collapsing started asking Atlas questions again. "Atlas, what exactly do you do as a guardian? I'm sure our old legends aren't as accurate as they could be."

The swordsman sighed. "My siblings and I each protect a section of the archipelago. I used to guard Solanja but after it sunk, I elected to guard Muerend and the waters around it."

"Hold on lad," Xavier cut in. "You mean to tell me you've been around ever since before Solanja sunk? That was hundreds of years ago."

Atlas stopped dead in their tracks and stared at Xavier with their wispy orange eyes. "Yes. Also, I'm not a 'lad'" The Guardian turned around and continued.

Xavier leaned his head in next to Rose and began to whisper. "Rose, I don't like this one bit. I think this here is a trap and they're well aware of how desirable you are to their colleagues."

A voice in the back of Xavier's mind kept insisting that the Guardian was being genuine when they answered Xavier's questions but he waved it away with the fact that he couldn't see the shadowy figure's expressions.

"Maybe," Rose agreed. "But I want to find out what's up with them. They said they weren't a Shade, so what are they? Worst case scenario I can teleport us to shore and we can try and find a boat by scouring the coast."

Xavier sighed but didn't fight any further. He gestured at Atlas and Rose continued her questioning. "So your six siblings, do you see them often?"

Xavier heard a muffled groan come from Atlas before they started to talk. "By your standards, probably not. They're all assigned to guard other islands and unless there's a meeting, we don't ever meet."

"Since you've been around for so long, I'm assuming you know why Solanja sunk?" Rose asked the subject-changing question casually enough that it didn't worry Xavier too much.

"Honestly? No." Atlas replied. Xavier didn't expect any elaboration from the Guardian but they continued. "One day, I'm patrolling the waters around the island and next thing I know, it's underwater. And with it, tons of advanced technology and ancient history of the archipelago. Including the Guardians' prophecy."

Xavier paid extra close attention because now his interest was piqued. "Before you ask, I'll just explain." Atlas swiftly said. "We Guardians were created by the Gods of this planet to guard the archipelago and protect it from doom. And a crucial part of our destiny was inscribed in the cave walls of Solanja but now... it's all gone and I'm the only one alive who remembers."

Atlas said alive as if they didn't really consider it true and stopped talking. They seemed to have nothing else left to add.

Xavier could hardly believe what it was that he was hearing. The Gods weren't just mythos but real, as were the Guardians they created? And he was in the presence of one? It was all too much for the pirate to process and he wasn't convinced of any of it.

Rose seemed equally skeptical and was about to ask more questions when a purple light suddenly appeared in the distance deeper into the island.

The Guardian's eyes widened and they gasped. "Astraeus is calling a meeting. Both of you stay here and I will return shortly. This is highly unusual." The shadow person vanished before either trespasser could question them.

Xavier looked at Rose and she was already getting her staff. "So we're following them, then?" Rose nodded and Xavier grabbed a hold of her.

The two teleported to the location of the purple light and appeared in the woods on the edge of a massive clearing. In the clearing was an altar with a stone table on it that had seven seats.

The Isles of Ice Book One: The Corrupted KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now