Ice Cold with No Wind

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Xavier's vision returned and he felt a wave of nausea pulse through him. The pirate staggered off of the stone platform they were on and hunched over.

His eyes focused on the grass at his feet and he noticed that it made a crunch sound as he stepped on it. The grass was completely dried out and colorless.

Xavier managed to fend off the nausea and slowly lifted his head to take in his surroundings. They seemed to be in a forest but it looked like it was in the dead of winter.

The trees were barren and withered while the sky was completely blocked by clouds. No bugs or wildlife could be heard from the woods and a stark lack of breeze reinforced how dead the forest seemed to be.

Xavier had never been on the island before and only knew about it from the legends he had heard. Marok had declared it a sanctuary and out of respect, no pirate was to loot it or the waters around it.

The tales of the island reflected reality. A barren island that seemed to have the life all sucked out of it and be frozen in time. As soon as Solanja sunk and Kingston landed, it all died.

Rose broke what seemed to be a generation of silence by speaking. "Xavier, I think we should get going." The pirate was inclined to agree though he was surprised by Rose's sudden shift in demeanor.

"I thought you wanted to come here?" He asked.

Rose sighed. "Not really, I just wanted to get going and didn't want to be rude to Arvirdi by seeming impatient."

Xavier rolled his eyes. "Well, that's what you get for fearing rudeness, lass. Let's get out of here."

The duo walked down a dirt path surrounded by dead trees and naked shrubs. "So I guess you're good friends with Arvirdi," Rose said out of nowhere.

Xavier shrugged. "I suppose. Spent some time with him before we found a crew that would take me on and I visited again a few years later. He taught me a lot about using my magic."

"You know Xavier," Rose started. "I really appreciate you being so kind to me. Especially given your history with the Kingston government."

Xavier waited a bit to respond. "Lass, I can tell you're a bit worried but I assure you that I have no interest in bringing down Kingston. They're good for business and when your goal is enterprise, you act in the best interest of business."

"I'm not sure I understand. Aren't you upset about what happened with your parents and your home?" Rose asked. "I can tell you don't like the Scalliers occupying Centrixia."

"I don't," Xavier replied. "I'd much prefer an independent Centrixia, trade's too limited with just the black market and Marok. But I especially want the Scalliers out. You've lived on the mainland, you know just as well as anyone on this archipelago that Kingston aligning with them will only result in them trying to invade the archipelago."

Rose furrowed her brow. "So you don't care that your home is being controlled by Kingston?"

Xavier shrugged. "As I said, I'd prefer an independent Centrixia but I'm not going to fight against Kingston. The Azure Cove is only safe as long as Kingston is convinced it's not worth taking it out."

"I know that!" Rose shouted. "Just because I haven't lived here for a while doesn't mean I forgot everything about my homeland! Especially not when my father is one of the most powerful figures in Kingston. Xavier, I'm asking what YOU want."

Xavier wanted to say something right away but decided to think further on the question. Of course Xavier wanted freedom and of course he wanted revenge.

But what good would telling the child of 'one of the most powerful figures in Kingston' do other than cause him trouble?

"Rose, what do you want?" Xavier spun the question onto her. "You're destined for influence over the Kingston Empire and it sounds like to me you aren't very proud of your nation."

The Isles of Ice Book One: The Corrupted KingdomOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant