"He saw you dump the Attor near Hybern," Cal said, clutching grass in her palms, "What did you do to it?"

"And how did Killian know?" Azriel asked, diverting the question.

Still, Callaghan didn’t look at him, eyes glued on her hands, "The whispers. Word travels fast. He heard you were dealing with something, followed you, saw the Attor, and reported to me."

Her spymaster said nothing as his shadows circled her hands. Gentle swirls moving along her skin. Slowly, Cal's fist relaxed and opened, fingers playing with the dark tendrils, "You're distracting me, Az."

"Is it working?" he asked, his mouth moving to form a small smile.

"I think so," Callaghan lifted her gaze to his eyes, "But then again, I find your mere presence distracting already."

He didn't flinch when she used a finger to trace the outline of his lips, his smile, stopping by his dimple. He almost leaned onto her touch but then he noticed a butterfly behind her.

"Transform back, boy," he said sternly, gazing at the flying insect. 

The female chuckled, "Finally, you noticed him too."

They both heard Vik groan in irritation when he morphed back to his fae form. "You're both so annoying," he grumbled.

"That's what you get for trying to get past two spies, Vik," Cal faces her brother.

He rolled his eyes, "You could have just ignored me."

"Aren't you supposed to be with Rhys?"

"He's busy with Lady Feyre," he said, "I wouldn't want to intervene."

Then a flash of a dagger came flying towards him. Fortunately, he had raised his arms quickly and blocked the blade using his silver arm-guards before it could touch flesh. When he looked at Cal, she was already twirling another blade in her hand. "Are you serious, Cal?"

"You're bored, aren't you?" She stands from the ground and hurls another blade at him. His focus went on the knife so he didn't see her leg swipe at his shins, knocking him down. He opened his eyes to see Callaghan offering him a hand to help him stand, he took it and pulled her to the ground harshly. The female groaned at the impact of falling face first on the grass.

As he stood, he felt a cool blade rest against his throat. Vik moved fast, pushing the dagger away from his neck then elbowed Azriel in the face. "Alright," he steps away from his sister and the shadowsinger, breathing deeply as he prepares for their attacks, "This is better than snooping around."

The two spies shared a look before lunging at the young boy.

From inside the house, the Cursebreaker and the High Lord watched the three spar. Feyre saw the exchanges from Cal and Az. She had noticed that Cal was one of the very few to elicit a genuine smile from Azriel. It was obvious she was truly someone he holds dear. Feyre was certain that if you want to know something about Azriel, Cal was the best person to go to. It was like she knew him so well, probably even better than Rhys or Cassian.

"No one really knows what's going on between those two," Rhys tells her, seeing her look at Cal and Azriel. "But there's something there for sure."

"Can't you just look into their heads?"

"I don't do that for no reason, Feyre darling," he said, "Only when I can benefit from it."


THEY ALL WENT OUT THAT NIGHT, going to a familiar restaurant where the owner had given them all a kiss on the cheek. Well, except for Amren.

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