Chapter 6

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The hero's were on their way to get Todoroki back and the Villains had been tipped off. They weren't gonna run though that wasn't apart of their plans. They went into the room Todoroki was in and got him.
"Let's go. Your lil friends have finally come to save you" Shigaraki says as he pulls Todoroki out of the chair.
"Ah. Good luck with that, they don't take kindly to their people being taken." Todoroki said. Dabi laughed.
"Trust me we aren't scared." He said.
They all heard a loud explosion.
"Get the hell out of my way extra!!" Todoroki laughed and looked at them.
"Y'all are doomed. Bakugo doesn't sound so happy." They looked at him.
"So what? We aren't scared of some dweeb." Toga said. That caused Dabi and Shigaraki to laugh. Todoroki just looked at them and smirked.
"Yeah, you say that now. But if Bakugo is here I bet so is Kaminari because he wouldn't let his soulmate come into a battle alone. If Kaminari and Bakugo are here that means Kirishima is because we'll he is always with them. Mina also, they are like a buy one get four free kinda deal." Todoroki said.
"Four? Then why did you only name three other ones?" Dabi said.
"That's because Sero is also one of them but he isn't here because of the fact his group of friends is." Todoroki said simply. Shigaraki looked at him,
"Then why?" He said.
"Ah for people who know a lot you sure don't know anything. You see, you kidnapped the wrong person. My bestfriend, Sero, is bestfriends with Bakugo and his friends. Since I'm important to Sero, it automatically makes me important to them. Even if me and Bakugo bump heads. You messed up getting me because Sero won't stop till he gets me, meaning they won't either. So good luck pals." Todoroki said chuckling. The three villains looked at each other not sure what to do from here. Todoroki took that as a free moment and burned his restraints off. He then froze the villains feet to the floor and took off running. He knew Dabi would have them free any second but he took his chance. He ran and yelled for his friends,
"Sero!! Bakugo!! Guys!!!! I'm in here!!" He screamed before he was hit with fire from Dabis quirk. He screamed out in pain, "AHHHHHH" he then fell to the ground. Please hurry guys is all he could think in the moment.
"AHHHHHH" is all Sero needed to hear before he took off. Todoroki was hurting, screaming out in pain and he was going to find him. Everyone ran behind Sero as they tried to find Todoroki. They heard another scream and ran into a room. On the floor they seen Todoroki screaming in pain and Dabi hitting him with fire. Sero shot tape at Dabi making him stop hitting Todoroki.
"Red Riot get Shoto now!!" Sero yelled. And Kirishima ran over to Todoroki carrying him over to them. Sero looked at Bakugo and Bakugo nodded.
"You're mine now extra." Bakugo yelled. He then blasted Dabi with an explosion. Hitting him and the other villains. Sero ran over to Todoroki and picked up from Kirishima.
"Hey loser" Sero said laughing with teary eyes, looking at Todoroki.
"Hey Jerk" he said softly, "I'm okay we just gotta get them okay?" Todoroki said. Sero put Todoroki down and made sure he had his balance when he did they went to help Bakugo. Todoroki froze the ground around the villains. Dabi melted it fast and ran towards Sero punching him really hard and then hitting him with fire.
"NOOOO!!" Todoroki yelled out and he hit Dabi with fire then he ran to Sero. Sero began throwing up flower petals and he threw up two whole flowers. His veins on his neck began to turn green and Todoroki was in shock.
"Oh my god Sero! Are you okay?" He said. Sero stood up and nodded.
"I'm okay just gotta get them remember?" He says looking at Todoroki. Todoroki nodded and they began fighting again. He stayed close to Sero this time because now that the villains knew something was wrong with him they was trying harder to get to him. Todoroki wasn't gonna allow that to happen though. Dabi hit kirishima and Denki with fire. Bakugo seeing his soulmate get hurt just got even more angry and began to hit all of them with explosions.
"Bakugo let's go!! We have an out we have to take it." Sero yelled while the villain hit the ground. Bakugo nodded and picked Denki up. Sero and Todoroki grabbed Kirishima and they all made their way out. When they got back out Mr.Aizawa was waiting for them with a hurt Mina.
"I told you guys to wait for us." He said furious. Sero stepped forehead.
"That was my fault. I heard Todoroki yelling and ran in. They just came to back me up." Sero said. Aizawa looked at him and just nodded.
"It's okay. I understand, next time y'all just listen to me okay?" He said. They all nodded and said 'yessir' together.
Sero walked over and sat by Todoroki,
"I'm so sorry we didn't come sooner. We believed you was at your house with your family since you said you needed space from me and this whole situation with my sickness." He said. Todoroki just smiled and hugged Sero, "hey, it's okay. You came and that's what matters to me." He says letting go looking at Sero, "plus if this situation taught me anything is that we don't know how long you have and I don't want to miss your last day. I would never forgive myself. So I don't need space. I'm going to spend all the time with you I can." Todoroki said smiling softly at Sero. Damn that smile Sero thought in his head and just like that he began throwing up again, blood cover petals and another flower. Todoroki rubbed his back,
"Sero?? Come on Sero breathe slowly. My birthday isn't till tomorrow don't die yet." Todoroki said as Sero passed out falling into his lap.
"Mr.Aizawa!! It's happening, we need to get him back to his room." Todoroki said. Mr.Aizawa nodded and they all headed back to the dorms. Todoroki carrying Sero on his back. Once they got there Todoroki layed Sero on his bed, heading to the bathroom to get a cold rag. He placed it on Seros head lightly and placed his hand on his cheek.
"Just one more day please, give me one more day." Todoroki whispered. 

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