Chapter 2

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"Hanahaki Disease"
Sero continued to read further into the sickness to learn more. The things he read scared him..
"A disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love." He read.
"It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies." He kept reading. He didn't want to die he wanted to be able to love someone, He wasn't gonna lie.. he wanted to be able to love Todoroki for the rest of his life even if they weren't soulmates.
"It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear" he finished the article. Sero sat there for a moment processing everything he had just read. He didn't want to die, but he also didn't want to forget his feelings for Todoroki. The only other choice was for Todoroki to love him back and Sero didn't think that was possible either. So in that moment he had already made a decision. He would rather die then forget his feelings for Todoroki because a life without those feelings weren't worth it to him. He would just act like everything was fine and hide it the best he could. He would spend all the time with Todoroki he could until there wasn't anymore time left. So with that in mind he decided it was time to sleep. They had training practice tomorrow and he wasn't gonna let this sickness stop him from trying to be himself. So he layed back on his bed and stared at the roof thinking of Todoroki as he drifted off to sleep. Little did he know Todoroki was just a few doors down thinking about him as well.
By the time Todoroki made it to his dorm he felt worn out and just wanted to sleep. He was tired of thinking about his 'soulmate' because he knew he could never love anyone the way he loves Sero. He didn't even see the point in it. He hated the soulmate marks, he just wanted to be able to be with Sero no problems. He could feel himself getting angry and knew he needed to calm down. So he took a quick shower and decided to try and sleep. He layed in his bed staring at the roof thoughts drifting off to Sero as he slowly feel asleep.
"Hey Sero" Todoroki said as Sero walked up to him before class started.
"Hey Todo-bro" Sero said wrapping his arm around Todorokis shoulder. Todoroki leaned against his arm like he had been doing since their first year. Sero played with Todoroki's hair just as he always done then the teacher walked in.
"Everyone go get into your hero Suits and meet me in the practice field." Mr.Aizawa said. With that everyone headed to the locker rooms and changed. They walked out to the practice field and waited for Mr.Aizawa to tell them their teams.
"Alright everyone, for this I'm letting y'all pick your own partners. Choose good." He said. With that everyone went to team up with their partner.
"Todoronie wanna team up together? Sero said walking over to him. Todoroki nodded in agreement and with that everyone had a partner. Mr.Aizawa started calling teams to practice. After about three teams went it was Sero and Todorokis turn.
They started off slow, Sero shot tape at Todoroki grabbing his arm but Todoroki just formed some ice slicing through the tape. He shot fire towards Sero but Sero shot tape at a pole and pulled himself up just barley missing the fire. He tossed himself forwards at Todoroki and before he knew it Todo shot fire at him and this time it actually hit him. Sero fell on too the ground and Todo begin to run towards him when he got close Sero shot tape at him wrapping it around his feet. Todoroki started struggling against Seros tape as he was doing that Sero got up pulling Todoroki to a pole in the field he started tying him to the pole and when he wasn't looking Todoroki shot him with ice causing him to fall over with this advance Todoroki got free and shot more ice trapping Seros feet. Sero started fighting back so Todoroki punched him a few times in the stomach and Sero went into a coughing fit. Sero knew what was coming but Todoroki wasn't anywhere near prepared for it. Sero coughed up a few flower petals and looked up at Todoroki. Todoroki looked at Sero with shock and confusion all over his face, he quickly melted the ice and ran over to Sero.
"Mr.Aizawa come here now!!" Todoroki yelled. Sero started coughing more and with that some blood covered petals came out of his mouth. Mr.Aizawa quickly made his way over and looked just as shocked for a moment. He looked at Todoroki, "Take him to Recovery girl now, tell her what happened." With that Todoroki helped Sero to Recovery girls office and explained everything that happened. She looked at Sero, "Do you know what's happening to you darling?" She asked. He nodded his head. Todoroki looking between the both of them.
"Hanahaki Disease" he said simply. Todoroki gasped and looked at Sero the back to Recovery girl.
"I thought that was a fake made up sickness for kid stories." He said. She shook her head and looked at Todoroki.
"I'm sorry dear it's not. It can be very deadly if not handled quickly." She looked at Sero now, "We will set up the surgery soon." Sero looked up at her quick then to Todoroki and back to her. He nodded his head.
"No, thank you ma'am. I already looked up everything I needed to know. The moment all this started happening. I've decided to not get the surgery." He said confident. Todoroki looked at him quickly.
"What do you mean you're not getting the surgery?? Why not Sero?" Todoroki asked him. Sero looked at Recovery girl.
"Can you give us a minute please?" He said and she nodded exiting the room.
"Shoto, I need you to listen to me okay?" Todoroki just nodded. He knew it was serious when Sero said his first name.
"As you know the sickness is caused because I love someone who doesn't know I love them, and who may not love me back. I'd I get the surgery I would lose all my feelings towards that person. I personally don't see a life worth living if I don't love the person okay? They aren't my soulmate, I don't even know who my soulmate is but I refuse to get the surgery. I refuse to lose my love for this person. I need you to support my decision okay? I also need you not to try figuring out who it is. Okay?" Sero finished. Todoroki looked at him and slowly nodded. Todoroki didn't want to lose Sero. He loves that boy more then anyone could possibly know. He just found out Sero loves someone so much he is willing to die because of it. The fact it wasn't him that Sero had feelings for but Sero was his bestfriend so he was gonna do as he asked him to. He was gonna support his decision no matter how much it hurts him in the end.
"Okay, I understand Sero. Do you want the class to know?" He asked. Sero just nodded.
"Okay we will tell them when we leave here if you want." With that Todoroki and Sero got up and headed back to the dorms. Todoroki had so many questions but didn't want to make Sero upset. Sero knew Todoroki better then Todoroki knew himself sometimes so he knew Todoroki wanted to ask something. He took a deep breath and looked over,
"Todoroki I know you, so I know you want to ask something so go ahead and ask okay? I won't be upset." Sero said. Todoroki looked over at him,
"Do you really think this person is worth dying for?" He asked him. Sero nodded and looked at him,
"Yes. I believe they are worth dying for. I love them." Sero said. Little did he know those words hurt Todoroki a lot. Todoroki always figured he would never get to be with Sero but it really hurt hearing him confess his love for someone else. Todoroki took a deep breathe and opened the door to the dorms for Sero.
"Okay. Then I understand and support you. Because I trust you know what you are doing" Todoroki said. Sero loved when Todoroki said he trusted him. He figured before he passed away from the disease he would site Todoroki a note confessing everything to him. He knew it may be selfish but he didn't want to have to go through the heart break of Todoroki turning him down before he dies. So he was doing what he felt was best.

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