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       I couldn't sleep last night.

My head feels like it was splitting, so instead of homing myself in my bed and letting the nightmares take over. I went directly to the source of all this mess.

Maggie's room.

Someone had taken the time to clean it after I came and destroyed it, from my own guess? Possible Prisha and that's how she got cursed. I made that my conclusion as I closed down the room to everyone in the manor but myself. Calling Master Nicholson to update him on the happenings of the Prince. He thinks that the rebels are taking their time to put harm to the Prince, I think that all of this is the actions of a witch who is highly loyal to the wrong people. Whatever the wrong people are.

I didn't know anymore.

Bitting down on my lip, I stared at all the files in front of my face. Picking out the victims and the culprit. The floor looked like a crime movie set, everything I've found and everything I know laid before me. Yet there was something missing. I couldn't put my finger on it.

I needed something more.

I needed my answers.

"Come on, give me something to work with." I said as exhaustion rolled over my body. The second the words left my lips, the spell book flew off the desk. Slamming it's back onto the floor it flipped it's pages. Until it landed on a single page. I was still. "Sure creepy manor, creepy room, now creepy book." I almost laughed but I held it down. Trying to not jinx myself.

Getting close to read the pages, I looked out to the universe. Providing me with a way to get my answers; the scrying spell. Beautiful.

My hand drew up and picked up the book with hesitation. I had nothing else to do today, so yes- I was about to do it alone. After it backfiring once before.

Scratching the desk chair on the floor as I shoved it in front of the rusted door knob. Locking it too, I made sure no one could get in. Through the wood I could tell there were others who were waiting to listen in on what I was saying to myself. For that reason, I jotted all my words down on paper and kept the rest of the thoughts to myself. I didn't want any interruptions and did not need anymore distractions. That included a good-looking blonde-haired Vampire Prince with the last name of Tepes.

I skipped through all the worries about the risks of scrying as I pushed all the papers from the center of the room. This wasn't a time to be smothered by the worrying of tomorrow. Not when my friend's life was on the stake.

The shift in my blood rose to the tops of my fingertips, because whatever was coming was here. Waiting and watching.

Maggie had a mirror that hung on the wall. My eyes staring dead into it. The darkness clutched onto the back of my neck as I called out the spell that awaited to be asked. "Reveal yourself, threat of mine." The mirror's reflection turned a familiar dark void as I weaved it to do. "Show yourself, through all of time." I nearly laughed at myself considering how dumb I sounded. Soon the mirror was pitch black and I could no longer see the image of the ceiling. My face came down where my eyes gazed into one another.

Snapping into the trance of the vision, everything around me was absorbed by darkness. That same darkness that previously felt like nails were drawing into my back. This time to coldness that I felt before had melted into heat. It was nice.

I looked around the emptiness, reminding me of the vision of the Lost Alex. His broken gaze and the redness of the blood that consumed every portion of my nightmares. Again that voice beckoned to speak to me. Then it spoke the same words again to me; "In the end were all damned." The Vampire hissed as the splitting feeling returned to the beginning of my forehead. My hand moving up to clutch it.

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