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      I slid my feet against the ground as my legs flew across the room. My hands grabbed the hilt of my blade as the smell of metal ran through my body. Sabien's neck distorting as his body spidered against the ceiling. He was completely gone and all it took was a sip of my blood. His mouth opened as his screams filled the echoing of the manor.

The Vampires covered their ears as the Lost came after me. A spell between my lips, "Solis." Light emitted from my palm as the Lost flinched away. His arms came down like giant bat wings. His fangs twice the size as the transformation ate away at him. He covered his eyes as used his crowed feet to grab my arm.

His talons cutting into me deep, I cursed as he slid my body against the wall. My back thrown into the wall. The bat creature flew through the window as glass came down on me. My arm came up to cover my face but someone covered me.

I opened my eyes to see Alex who was cradling me in the corner. His face only an inch from one. He just blinked at me. "Thanks." I whispered, he just nodded.

The other's departed off of Alex's orders. To track Sabien down and lock the manor down so the beast couldn't come back in. However, that wasn't the problem. A Lost was free and soon he would need to feed. That's all Losts did. Kill humans. We were miles from a town, still he was faster than ever before. "We have to go after him." I said as I rose to my feet.

"You aren't going anywhere, not bleeding like that." Alex fussed me, closing the door and locking it. The Prince drew his hand up to his lips. His fangs grew from his teeth as he punctured two holes in his hand. He rose his bleeding hand to my mouth. "Drink before I heal." I wasn't about to argue with him.

I drank from him. Only taking what was coming to the top of his skin. His eyes studied me as I moved. Looking away from him, I used my wrist to wipe my mouth. My face getting hot as he watched me.

Alex's hand found my elbow, he stroked my skin as I healed. "Look, the sun is coming up. He'll look for shelter and we can deal with him tomorrow night." Alex pointed outside where my broken window faced me. The curse was free and Sabien had taken it with him. I knew what that meant but I refused to tell anyone.

The person to kill Sabien would retract the curse, whatever curse it was.

I held onto my teeth as I watched the sun rise. The colors of orange and yellow sprayed against the sky. "So that was the Craft?" Alex asked taking my palm in his hand.

"Yes and no." I told him.

His red eyes matched back up to mine, would I date to let him in on my secret. I could see the curiosity in his eyes. The sigil in my eye could ruin it all for me in a second. Yet I couldn't wait to tell Surano about it. I huffed a low breath and began to spill, "Keepers use the bloodcraft, that was spell singing." I forced a smile on my face. "My teacher taught me how to do it, it's a lot faster and safer than the magic the Keepers use." And it's illegal. I mentioned Miss Tamara again in one night.

Alex seemed to break from his cold exterior as he golfed into me. His fingers skimming from my wrist to my hand. He drew something out in the center of my hand but I didn't recognize what it was. "Do they know about this?" I shook my head. I might be loosing my breath right now but I didn't want to become anymore vulnerable to him. "I swear to you, I'll tell no one." I could tell he was telling the truth.

I was exhausted.

Stretching out my arms, I could feel my body loosing its strength. "I can get the servants to move you into another room but nothing can be prepared immediately." He warned me, I would be fine. I've slept in worse conditions.

"I can just take the couch." I told him, putting a smile on my face.

Alex looked at me up and down, "I like you in normal clothes." He cracked a smile on his face, I didn't understand how he wasn't freaking out about his friend who had just tried to kill me and gone Lost. I didn't question it, it was none of my buisness to begin with.

A Study of PoisonsWhere stories live. Discover now