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       It's been two weeks since I've killed the Lost.

Everything has changed.

I would rather not talk about how the Vampires are mourning. About how Natalia and Nelo have spent every waking moment together. About how Holstein has been acting strange ever since my ghost dream. About how Alex has been keeping his eyes on me since I nearly died. About how my magic is growing, about how the darkness is slowly entering through my dreams. No one needed to know about that. It was my buisness and mine alone.

"Everything is running smoothly here." I nearly lied to my watcher as I spoke over the phone. The only thing I had forgotten to do since coming here is give weekly updates. It had been excused considering everything that has happened since I've arrived. That and my watcher, Master Nicholson, was a family friend. He was never mad at me for too long.

Between my fingertips, I spun the curse penny on the dresser top. Watching it turn from heads to tails as it soon rolled off into nothingness. "Even after the Lost's death?" I nodded but forgot I wasn't having a face to face conversation.

I breathed, "Yes sir, all the Vampire's memories have been bound since the event." I lied straight through my teeth and hoped no one would catch me on it. The penny fell down on tails, I believed more in true magic than superstition. Picking it back up between my fingers. Again, I twisted it until it spun to my accord.

"I appreciate your honesty that you used magic in front of them." Honesty. I wondered what they would all say after they realized how many rules I've broken. Still, I was fulfilling my mission. The Prince was still alive. Then again Sabien was dead and that was truthfully all of my fault. My father would disown me, might my false mother be swayed at first she'd come around. I'd be banished or on probation. Possibly forced to marry someone I don't love- but that would happen no matter what. I was doomed from the start.

The penny stopped in motion. Standing on the side, I just watched it. "Thank you sir." I whispered, watching as it just sat there. Something put it's hand on the back of my throat. It felt like it was closing in around me, whatever ghost was there. It was sure to make sure I knew about it's presence.

"In due months time the situation will be over and you can return home." Master Nicholson told me as if that was good news. However, I knew what I would become if I went home. I'd be nothing more than a housewife, a jewel, a nothingness. I'd be the model Keeper that I was raised to be. A Keeper wedding where my father would give me away like trading me for sheep. Where I'd be forced to take another man's last name and be nothing more than a wife. An ill taste came into my mouth. I didn't want to go home.

The penny dropped, tails. Again. "I hope so sir."

Then Master Nicholson said something that caught my heart in the back of my throat, "Your request for back up has been confirmed." Damn. I forgot about that, I thought. Back when I didn't know about Maggie or the witches in the village. Back when Alex hated me. Back when they all feared me. At the time it was a good idea, Surano must have helped me out. Unfortunately, now it wasn't helping. Now it was becoming a problem.

"Will I be able to take it back? I have the situation under control, I would hate to pull a Keeper from his original mission." I tried my best to not sound too sucpicious. Play the smart child, play the obedient child. I tried to continue to remind myself. I held onto my breath as I awaited for his answer.

Master paused for a second, I could hear the conflict in his breathing as he considered what I was saying. "Fine but I still would like them to come and give you a day off." I would be okay with that, it was just for a day. It was only for a day. "I'm sure you've heard about Theron Santrill." Now I rolled my eyes, there was no reason I should have to listen to this. Of course I heard about him, he's the only topic of conversation now a days. It was really annoying me.

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