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    Files sprawled out on the floor of my room, the Queen and Holstein were good at getting answers. Each servant file had an in-depth story of their lives. I sat in the middle of the room in my high school soccer t shirt; with the letters SAPA Soccer across the front. A blanket on the floor as I sat down in my shorts, wondering what could be the missing link.

Nearly everyone had a squeaky clean record, only three people made the list of questionable sources. One of them being Sabien. He wasn't a talker and usually didn't like to follow behind in the group, it made me wonder why he was here in the first place. I would ask Nat- if she wasn't still mad at me.

I snapped my fingers as I grew aggravated, my curiosity was filling up to every inch of my bones. I didn't have the energy to change back into my uniform and it was getting washed now anyway. If I wanted my answers I would have to go like this.

Hanging my head, I grabbed Sabien's folder and opened the door. It was just to Natalia's room, it would quick and easy. My mouth dry as I broke another rule that was bound to me.

Shuffling my feet into a pair of yellow flip flops, I hurried out the door. My shoes snapped back at my feet as I made sure to run down the stairs. I sounded like a duck. Making my way to the eastern wing of the manor, I found Natalia's door. It was the one next to Nelo's. Alex was smart in doing that.

My knuckles knocked on the door, everything still- but I knew she was still awake. "Nat, we need to talk." On the other side of the door, slowly I could feel her body move to it. Her hand on the doorknob. She could probably feel my heart beat, she could probably hear my heartbeat. I blinked until my guilt disolved.

"About what? You're betrayal?" She commented on the attention I had pulled at the dining table.

I was at a lose for words, she was my friend- or I thought she was. Here I was betraying her and treating her like trash. I've definetly screwed this up. "Look, I'm sorry but I really needed the files. It's for Alex." I just said his name out loud for the first time. I hope no one heard me, of course they did thought. They hear everything, they're Vampires. "Can we please talk?" I nearly begged her. If she opened this door right now, then she was my friend.

The door opened with a slight crack, her darkened skin peaking through as she looked me down. "Wow, for once you look like a normal human." She was smiling as bright as she could, for a second I thought she flashed her fangs at me. I ignored that idea. I didn't want to think about it.

"My uniform is in the laundry." I explained.

Nat leaned against the doorway and folded her arms, "Glad to make the acquaintance, who might you be?" She was making fun og me. I knew I'd never let this go. I should have just waited until tomorrow when my stuff would have been clean.

I decided to play her little game, "Delia Greerson, Captain of the Soccer Team and Valedictorian." I curled a long preppy smile against my cheeks. Putting a little hop in my step as I acted like I did in high school. If the boys saw me now, they would lose their mind. I started praying the others were asleep.

"Nice to meet you, Natalia Amilcar." She put her hand out towards me and I shook it.

I waited until she felt comfortable again. "Can I come in?"

The girl thought about it for a second, I could see in her mind that she didn't know if she could trust me anymore. I really did hurt her. Natalia was battling a piece in her heart, she sighed. "Since you asked." She moved to the side and let me through. Closing the door behind us, I looked around Nat's room. It was very... pink. Not like neon pink, like new born baby girl pink. If that made any sense. I never thought she'd be so girly.

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