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I wake up and I am no longer in Will's arms. I noticed I was in my room so I check my phone for any notifications and Its just mentions on Instagram and twitter from yesterday. I see a message was sent in the big group chat from Clay saying we were going to the lake be ready in 10 mins. Tommy opens my room door to wake me but noticing that I am already awake. "10 minutes, be ready." he says and then backs out of the room.

I get up to brush my teeth and tongue to get rid of the awful alcohol smell from my breath. I brush through my hair, grab a bathing suit, and clothes to throw over it. I get dressed and head down to the lobby with everyone else.

We hop in the van and drive off to the lake.


We arrive and Tommy being Tommy took the first chance to go jump in some water. I grab my bag and the towels. Everyone else follows behind. "TOBY GET IN!" Tommy yelled from the water. He ran over and jumped in with him. I laid my towel down and took my clothes off so I was in my bathing suit. I pulled out my book and started reading. I wasn't fully ready to go in the water, I wasn't fully awake yet.

"A book really?" I look over my shoulder and Clay was staring at me with judgy eyes. "Yeah, are you bothered?" "No, I just don't know many who would choose a book over a lake." I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. "I'm just not ready yet."

He shook his head and laid down next to me. "Since you are here take some pictures of me for Instagram." I smiled at him to try and convince him more. "Fine." I posed and even stood up for some pictures. "Thanks" "No problem."

I went through and favorited the ones I liked so I could go post them later.


I read for about 40 mins before I was dragged away from my book. "Come on, you are getting in the water." Clay picks me up, I try to squirm out of his hands but He is a lot stronger than me. "Put me down asshole!" I shouted at him.

He chuckled and the next thing I knew is I was underwater. I pop back up and start hitting him. "You dick head." He's just looking at me and going red from laughing so much. I decided to splash him with water which he reacts by splashing more water at me.

"WATER FIGHT" Minx yells from outside the water and jumps in. Everyone else followed her lead and It was just splashes of water going everywhere. I can't imagine how boring being at home will be without my friends. This is probably the best week I've had in a long time. All my friends smiling and laughing. My brother has the biggest smile I've ever seen. I'm happy.

Clay picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. I just stare into his eyes.

Clay's POV

I pick her up and just stare at her. Her smile is so perfect and she is just so beautiful. I hate that it's a competition between Wilbur and me. He's a cool dude and it sucks that we both like her because it does cause tension at times.

I tuck her hair behind her ear and I'm so tempted to kiss her but I can't. I told myself I wouldn't make any moves so her choice can't be persuaded.

I wanna know which way she leans but I'm scared her answer is Will. They have a long history and have actually dated. Will is also such a gentleman so what is there to not like.

Cora's POV

He pushed my hair behind my ears and I immediately blushed. Clay just makes my stomach do flips. He knows how to make you blush and crumble completely. I put my hand on his face and looked around to make sure no one was focused on us. Once I checked I pushed my lips into his. I missed it. I feel like my heart has already decided. Yes, I love Wilbur but he doesn't make me feel the way Clay does.

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