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Wilbur's Pov: 

Cora left the room and I didn't even know what to think. Kat is great and I honestly like her but I'm in love with Cora. Maybe if Kat and I date those feeling would fade but I'm still uncertain. It pains me to see her even talk to him because I know Clay's intention is to make her his girlfriend. 

Was I not fun enough? Was I too serious? I don't know what I did to make her even like someone else. I tell her that I understand that she can't control her feelings but in reality, I don't understand. How can she fall for someone that quickly and claim she still likes me at the same time. 

I opened my photos app and the only pictures I had were of me or of me and her.  When we first met on our "first date" to vidcon. She was so gorgeous and she looks happy. If she loved me why would there be any decision to make between me and Clay? 

Was I not enough? My mind wouldn't let go of all the wrongs I might have made. I needed to take my mind off of the situation. I turned on the shower and stepped in. Tears started forming. I couldn't tell if they were rolling down my face because of the shower water. 

I tried. That's all I can say. I tried. 

I wasn't good enough but that's okay. Maybe he will be better for her. I stepped out after I was done washing down. I heard a knock at the door. "One second!" I yelled. I threw on some clothes and opened the door. 

"Kat? What's up?" She looked up at me. "Why are your eyes puffy?" She walked in and I closed the door while looking at the floor trying to hide my face. "It's nothing, really." She didn't say anything after my response. She just hugged me trying to not squeeze too tight. 

"You don't have to explain right now." She continued to hold me rubbing my back. It was very comforting like a mother's hug. It was meaningful like she knew without me saying anything. 

We sat down on my bed and we just talked. I did like her. I just don't know if I can give the same love I did with Cora. Her hair was a pretty golden color and her eyes were a shade of blue and green. She is drop-dead gorgeous. I just don't want to use her as a rebound.

Word count: 423 

A/N: I was going to make this chapter and the last one a whole chapter but I decided to split it.

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