Isabella Swan. I know who you are. You are not safe. I will find you and I will kill you! Jasper will be mine and you shall be dead! I have eyes and ears everywhere. I am going to get you Isabella!

I get the chills all over my body reading the text.

Who is this? How do you know me and Jasper? What do you want from me?

I quickly change my emotions so Jasper doesn't get suspicious.


Finally we arrive at La Push. We drop Jacob off at his house and tell him to text us when he needs to be picked up. Jasper and I speed towards the Cullen's home, excited to see his sister again. The mysterious person never replied to my text but I am staying alert. Who ever this person is wants me dead, but I don't plan on dying anyday. As Jasper and I pull into the Cullen yard, Emmett rushes us smiling. I throw the door open and jump into my ex-brothers arms. Emmett wraps his arms around me, spinning me around, his booming laugh filling my ears. I laugh and release Emmett kissing him on the cheek.

"Hello," I say, my blood-red eyes alight.

"Hey Iz," Emmett smiles. "How have you been?"

"I've been great Emmy," I laugh. "How have you been?"

"Never been better Iz," he says. "You Jazz man, its great to see you."

"You too Em," Jasper says 'man-hugging' Emmett. The front doors swing open and the perfect Rosalie comes strolling out in ripped jeans and a cotton jumper. She pulls me into a hug, kissing my cheek.

"Hello Isabella," she says. "You look great."

"Thank-you Rose," I say back. "You look amazing as always." Rosalie releases e and embraces Jasper.

"Oh Jazz,"  she says. "I've missed you."

"I have missed you too Rose," Jasper whispers. I never think about how Jasper feels about his twin. But when they're together, you can tell that they love each other a lot. Carlisle and Esme walk out, arms wrapped around eachother. Their pale faces shine brightly with smiles. Behind them stands a girl with long blonde hair, woven into an elegant plait. Strands of hair fall and curve around her face. Her golden eyes meet my red ones, and her pink lips turn into a slight smile.

"Isabella, Jasper, welcome home,'' Carlisle says hugging me, then shaking Jaspers hand.

"Thank-you for allowing us to stay," Jasper smiles, looking at the women standing behind Carlisle and Esme.

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