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So many things went wrong.

For starters, they lost 3, 21, 48, and 94.  No one actually knew they were missing until 28 asked where 21 was, and it just escalated from there.  The kid kept moving while that happened, not entirely noticing the particles attempting to count and do role call.  Today they all learned none of them actually know how to count, and 32, 78 and 36 could only slightly tell time. Great start to the adventure.

Problem two, the tail shenanigans arose again. And the particles were encouraging it.  They had spent what had to be 2-3 hours added up on that.  At least the kid was having fun, right?  Mostly.  One of the reasons was that this kid was barefoot, and hurt their feet a lot.  But there were other factors too.  See, the child is... well, still a child.  When you're 5 and have memory loss, many more things can be entertaining or distracting.  Especially the things trying to kill you.

Essentially what happened was our protagonist followed a Skeleton or Spider around from time to time, only stopping when they got attacked by said thing they were following.  This kid wasn't the fastest, but still managed to dodge the arrows shot at them.  The particles were also a useful defense, buzzing around to confuse the Skeleton, because they don't exactly have eyes. The arrows went right through the purple particles, so no one got hurt in the end.

Then there was good news, they all ended up looting some chests.  The child didn't take things that wouldn't be useful (thanks to the particles guidance), so all the moldy bread and rotten apples were left.  The only non-moldy food they took was a shiny apple, which the purple fuzzies seemed super exited about.  The child also found something the particles called "potions," but thanks to their judgement didn't drink or take them. The child also took an iron sword, but mainly to just drag it around.  The child wasn't that strong, they're 5.

Currently, the kid was trying to climb up a small cliff within the cave, and somewhat succeeding while the particles cheered them on.

"Let's go kid!"
"Les goooo!"

They made it to the top and smiled proudly. Picking up the sword they had thrown up the rocks, and dragging it as they moved forward. It let out sparks from the contact with the ground, along with being very loud, which the kid seemed kind of upset with, so a few particles went to work as earplugs. The child seemed more happy with that.

The kid and the particles got into a system, the purple, fuzzy-looking beings going forward to see if their was a threat while still leaving some behind to make sure the kid didn't wander off.

Oh yeah, they also found 59. It was ok.

Anyways, as they passed several shiny ores the kid could only imagine the name of, they noticed something: a fully blazed out trail.

"Oh!"  One of the particles exclaimed.  "I'll go check that out."

As the particle floated off, the child... forgot about the established system.  So much for that. So the amnesiac followed the single purple fuzzie into the smooth cave, sword dragging behind them and other purple fuzzies questioning noises and protests.

"Uhm, kid? Why?"
"Yeah! Adventure!"
"Please stay there- nope, not working."
"Oh boy..."

Childboo - Dream SMP Ranboo FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu