"Don't you?" Ciel raised an eyebrow coyly as he watched Sebastian slip out of his tailcoat, folding it in half by the collar, laying it delicately over the back of the armchair. He approached the bed then, sitting on the edge of it to slip off his shoes, placing them in their customary home beneath the edge of the bed.

"I was under the impression that, in light of recent circumstances, permission was implied." Ciel crawled towards him, letting his fingers trace up Sebastian's spine through his shirt. Sebastian smiled and started to speak when he was cut off.

"It isn't." A little hand slipped up into Sebastian's hair, taking a handful of it in his fist, pulling hard. The sudden jerk make Sebastian lose his balance, and he fell back onto the bed, his head suddenly resting in Ciel's lap, his mouth an 'o' of surprise as he looked up at him, that hand still tightly gripping his soft, black hair. "You still need my permission." Ciel looked down at him, a serious expression on his face. When Sebastian tried to shake the little hand free, Ciel tightened his grip, forcing his head further back. Smiling deviously, Sebastian pulled against his grasp once more and Ciel jerked his head back harder, exposing more of his throat. Sebastian swallowed hard, Adam's apple dipped prominently, and then let his head rest in the little Lord's lap, crimson eyes gazing up at him.

"Yes, Master." He said softly. Ciel loosened his grip, letting his fingers trace over Sebastian's forehead, brushing his hair back behind his ears, his touch suddenly gentle once more. The butler smiled up at him, reaching up to brush his hand against Ciel's cheek, only for him to lean away.

"No." Ciel said quietly. He slipped his fingers through Sebastian's hair one last time before his hands moved lower, a thumb running across the butler's jaw, and he closed his eyes, leaning his head back further into Ciel's lap, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he let his Master caress him so tenderly. After several moments he reached up his hand again, prepared to brush bluenette locks away from Ciel's eyes and just before he would have made contact, Ciel struck him, a quick, hard slap against his cheek. "I said no." Sebastian looked up at him and lowered his hand, lacing his fingers across his chest. Ciel continued to stroke Sebastian's hair, little fingers caressing the cheek he had struck so harshly only moments before. Time passed and Sebastian eventually looked back up to Ciel, licking his lips slowly before he spoke.

"Please, little kitten. Let me?" His voice was soft, imploring as he reached up once more to caress Ciel's cheek. Ciel's neck tensed, and his eyes rolled closed of their own volition at the request, Sebastian could feel him move his hips a little as his head lay there in his Master's lap. Sebastian tried not to smile, and after taking a moment to let the overwhelming ache of desire pass, Ciel looked back down to his butler and nodded softly.

"Go on." Finally, he brushed locks of bluenette hair from Ciel's eyes, caressing his cheek softly with the backs of his fingers. They gazed at one another for a moment, sapphire and amethyst eyes meeting garnet ones, and Ciel was the first to break eye contact. He closed his eyes and let himself lean into Sebastian's touch, sighing quietly. At the sign of compliance, Sebastian reached up his other hand to slowly begin unbuttoning Ciel's night shirt. He tensed at first, but allowed it, watching as black nailed fingers worked deftly to free each button from its home, then brushed the edges of his shirt away from him, those same fingers tracing his hips as he leaned his head back more, looking up at Ciel still. Ciel finished his drink, swallowing deeply and held the newly emptied glass in one trembling hand.

"Another, my Lord?"

"Yes." Sebastian sat up, ran fingers through his hair to straighten it, and took the empty glass to the cart to refill it. Already feeling the first hints of inebriation, Ciel leaned back on his hands, stretching his legs out before him, little feet hanging off the edge of the bed. Sebastian turned back to him and offered the glass as he approached, eyeing him with a predatory gaze that made Ciel shiver. Seeing that trepidation made Sebastian's hunger rise and he licked his lips as he looked over the little Lord lying there before him in such a vulnerable state. He offered the glass back to Ciel and sat beside his bare legs on the edge of the bed. Ciel kicked his feet gently, taking a drink from his glass. "Does alcohol affect demons?" Sebastian shrugged nonchalantly and crossed his legs, resting his elbow on his knee, chin in his palm.

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now