ch 4 answers

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   "Sit down (y/n), we have a lot to talk about." Urushihara said as I left the bathroom, finally fully clothed. I still see a hint of blood smeard on his face. I inwardly chuckled. "I gave him a nosebleed" I think to myself.


       I sit down across from him at the table. No time for funny business. I need some answers. "So....let's start simple" I say getting down to business, "what's your real name? Because if you know who I am, Urushihara is definitely not it."


      He looks at me studying my face with those mysterious  purple eyes, his hair falling into his face. He really is gorgeous... I mentally slap myself "no goddamn it, I can't get caught up in his attractiveness right now, I need answers" I look over to see him sporting a questioning look. But also he seems about to burst out laughing. "Oh god," I say, "I said that out loud, didn't I?" I look at him with a mortified expression. He just starts laughing his ass off. I grit my teeth and say in annoyance "just tell me your name, OK?"


    He immediately sobered up and spoke in a calm steady voice. "I am Lucifer, one of Satan's generals. The king of fallen angels"

Hey guys, so much for posting consistently huh? I know I ment to, but I just get really busy. And this month I have a lot to do. So I'll try to post as much as I can. I happen to be really lazy and procrastinate a lot. So some motivation would be nice from you guys! ^•^ I'm sorry its so short!

Also thanks to my lovely editor, -GuessWho- you guys for really check her out. She does a lot of good work. Also I am looking for cover art and media ideas to put in this story so if you have anything that you would like to send me, send it to my gmail. as always. Stay classy! Savage out!
                                          -sav and GuessWho

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