" There is indeed one. You kids need to come with me." We all turned to an Omashu guard who held his hand out at us.

He led us to the place. It was a building and it was the home of the resistance. Everyone who wasnt fire nation was there basically.

"Bumi? Wheres Bumi?" Aang asked and him and the soldier began conversing about that.

I walked away from the group and to the people. There were mothers with children and elderly who were just sitting in here. I felt Katara behind me.

Her concern was as great as mine. I was never a princess but I sure as hell kissed babies. 

I walked over to a family, Katara behind me and I looked around at them. A mother with a toddler and a baby. The toddler was whining and the woman was crying.

"Here maam, let me take the baby." I said holding my arms out. She looked surprised but nodded and handed it over and began tending to her other child.

"Katara, can you make it a bottle?" I asked and she nodded grabbing some of the fruit from the bag the woman had and pulling water from the air.

She shook it up and handed it to me. "Water benders.." The woman said. She was even more shocked.

Her other child hooked on to Katara and the woman stood up. "Go take a walk ma'am. It'll be nice for you." I reached into my pocket and handed her a copper piece. "Go get something to eat."

Katara picked up the child and I kept feeding the baby. It was so small and seemed like it just finished breast feeding. The other child was just old enough to make sentences . 5-6 but she was shy.

I knelt down and smiled at her. "Hi darling what your name?" I asked and she peaked out a bit from Katara.

"Nola." She whispered. I smiled at her and she held on to Katara a bit stronger.

"Hi Nola, Im Y/N." I said to the little girl. "I love your name. What's the baby's name?" I asked.

"Her name is Dahlia. That's my moms name. Im Nola because my dad was Nolen." She explained.

"If you don't mind me asking, where is your father?" I asked.

"Momma said he is angry at the fire nation so he went to tell them to leave our home. But he didn't come back." She said.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek and I stood up. Dahlia came back and I handed her the baby and we walked off after saying bye.

I looked around at all the families. Similar to Dahlias situation. Babies and mothers and fathers. We walked around and listened to their stories.

They were all the same. They had lost something or someone to the fire nation. Me and Katara kissed the heads of babies and hugged mothers in pain.

We were like saints to these people.

But after, I realized how mad I was at the fire nation but also the resistance for allowing their people to live this way.

Me and Katara stomped back up to where the man who brought us here was.

I pushed him against the wall and with tears running down my face. I was extremely upset about this whole thing.


"W-we can't do anything ma'am. King Bumi let the city go." He said.

"What?" I asked whispered.

"B-Bumi didn't let us fight back." He said.

Summer Nights (reader x zuko x sokka)Where stories live. Discover now