"If you tell him about your leg hw can help you" He answered. 

"Thats what having sex with him was supposed to do. It was working  until…" I looked at him before finishing "Until I realized that I feel like I love him" Jack froze. 

"You what?" He asked with wide eyes "You think you love him?" I nodded while inhaling.

"I don't know how it happened but it did and now I feel like an idiot because it'll take a miracle for him to feel the same way about me" I felt the tears start to fall "I just can't take it anymore. Even looking at him hurts"

"This is what we're gonna do" Jack said "We're gonna go back to the house, I'm gonna go inside first and get Alex out of the house. Then I'm gonna make you some pancakes and you're gonna watch netflix and relax. okay?" I nodded and smiled at him. 

"Thank you Jacko" I said hugging him before heading back to the house. 

When we got back to the house, I stayed in the car and Jack went inside. After a few minutes Alex came out of the house. He looked pissed. His car was next to mine so he had to pass me. He looked at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. I looked away from him and heard him pull out of the driveway. 

Once I couldn't see his car I headed back inside. Jack was in the kitchen looking around for things to make pancakes. 

"How did it go?" I asked sitting at the table.

"Well he's more mad at me than he is at you if that helps" He answered. 

"It doesn't" I said putting my head in my hands. 

"Please stop worrying about it" Jack said making me look up at him "He's mad because he thinks I want to sleep with you. He's jealous that we fucked once four years ago. Doesn't that make you think that he may like you as much as you like him?" I shrugged.

"I really don't want to think about it right now" I said

"Okay" He said going back to making pancakes. "By the way Anna will be here soon to carpool to class"

"Shit I completely forgot about class today" I said getting up "I'm gonna go get changed"

I ran up the stairs to my room. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black v-neck from my closet. After I got changed, I put on some make up. I made sure it covered up the fact that it looked like I wasn't crying. 

As I was putting my hair in a bun I heard my phone go off. It was Alex's ringtone. I really didn't want to talk to him so I ignored it. 

I headed down stairs back into the kitchen. Anna was standing next to Jack while he was finishing the last pancake. 

"Hey Anna" I said sitting down at the table. 

"Hey girl you okay?" She asked sitting next to me. 

"Yeah I'm fine just hungry" I answered which wasn't a lie. Jack handed me a plate full of pancakes before sitting down. 

We sat there eating and talking when my phone went off again. Anna and Jack looked at me. I was just ignoring the phone and kept eating. 

"Are you going to get that?" Jack asked. I shook my head no "Its him isn't it?" I nodded "Just talk to him please" I sighed and got up to answer the phone. 

"What?" I said when I answered. 

"Please can we talk?" He begged.

"About what?"

"I'm sorry I kept asking you about your legs. I should've just dropped it. I was just trying to help you" He really did sound sorry. I wanted to forgive him but I was scared that my feelings would grow and then I would be crushed when he didn't feel the same way "Can I come in?"

"Where are you?" I asked confused. 

"Out in your driveway" He answered. 

"Come to the door" I said walking towards the door. I opened it to see him standing in front of me. We both hung up. 

"I'm so sorry" He said. He looked like he was about to cry. "When I see you in pain it hurts me so much because I know I caused most of it. Rebecca I wanna be with you. I want you to be mine" I was speechless. After a few seconds I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed my lips against his.

When we broke apart we were both smiling and breathing hard. 

"I love - BEEP BEEP!" My eyes shot open. It was all a dream.  I shut off my alarm and turned on my back. I couldn't believe it was a dream. I didn't know what to do so I began to cry. 

Hey guys!! I wanna let you all know that I love you and you're all awesome! Please keep telling me what you are loving about this story. Also tell me what you're not loving about this story if you have any issues with it. 

Love all y'all 

Rebecca <3

Hold On To Me (All Time Low fanfiction) by harley30Where stories live. Discover now