Chapter 46- Pig sty

Start from the beginning

Faye rushed into Ciarra's dorm where most of her former dormmates conveyed.

They all looked up in surprise when she barged in, only Nesrina wasn't present, " Guys, I think something is wrong with Veronica."

Everyone's eyes widen a fraction and they rushed out of the dorm drawing the attention of other busy girls in the hallway.

The door to dorm 1 Cortess burst open  to a tired Veronica, she was the only one present in the dorm since everyone had already left for their chores. She was in her house dress sitting on her bed and the look on her face was that of an exhausted and depressed sleepy eyed girl. She put a hand to her forehead and turned to look at Faye, " I need an Advil."

" No you can't, don't mix painkillers with antidepressants." Ashanti interjects as she walked to her side and reached for her pack of bottled water under her bed. She got one out and handed it to her, " Here, this is the best relief."

" Why do you need an Advil anyway?, And why do your eyes look like that of Faye when she's tired?" Healenore wonders.

" She's been crying. Probably the entire night." Ciarra observes.

" Oh no, callous of us. Guys, she was with Calvin last night, we didn't even ask her what happened, he probably... probably broke up with her." Efua gasps in reckoning.

" Says who?, how do you even know if she was really crying all night?" Kweiba asks Ciarra.

" Because I've been through it before, when Kobby and I broke up. But I doubt Calvin will be as fatuous as Kobby. He's a mature guy." Ciarra points out.

" How about we all stop assuming and ask her what's going on." Heather suggests, " Vee ... what's up?"

The question alone broke her down all over. The previous night, she had been holding the pain inside because she didn't want him to see her cry, it would make him feel bad about himself and his situation. Having cancer alone was already depressing, she didn't need to add to his grief by being somber around him. So when lights went out the previous night, she let it all out. She probably cried for four hours straight because for the first time, she felt powerless, she couldn't do anything about it and that thought alone was eating her up.

" He has cancer." The news hit her friends like a bus.

" What?" They all asked in unison, Kweiba would have said jinx if not for the sudden rush of anxiety hanging in the atmosphere.

" Oh no." Sarah deadpans with her hands on her head.

" Something can be done about it, right?" Sarah asks the Science students amongst them.

" It depends, if it's the early stage...they can work on it." Mae explains.

" He stopped responding to treatment." Veronica sniffs back a tear, " But there's one last thing he can try, radiotherapy and it's expensive even though his insurance covers an amount of it and it's not so certain."

" Oh no." Healenore sighs.

" Hey listen, I have an organization set up to help people who can't pay for expensive treatments, I can sign him up personally, that will be faster." Ashanti offers.

" It's okay, I already offered to pay everything, but I am... I'm... scared guys." Veronica says honestly as tears poured out again.

" If he's not going to make it." Heather nods in comprehension.

" How can this be, just when Veronica finally found someone who took her mind off celibacy." Ashanti wonders.

" This can break you forever Vee, because I'm pretty sure you had so many plans in mind and now they are all crushing hard. I mean he's your first love, that's special." Faye states realizing how similar this situation was to hers.

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