“I… I don’t.” I say, I wouldn’t believe it.


It wasn’t safe for a nymph to fall in love. It was a curse to a nymph to love her heart would then unconsciously make it so her lover couldn’t die from age. So that they could be together until the nymph died. Not only that but if the lover falls out of love with his nymph then he’ll spend eternity loving and losing all the lovers he chose over his nymph. In doing so it would drive the lover insane. Turning their nymphs lovers into something completely unrecognizable to anyone, they become the monsters that parents scare their children with to get them to behave. The monsters that killers fear will drag them to hell. I shiver in fear, no I can’t and won’t love Danerus.


“Well love to say it Deva but you do love him and your decisions are killing him.” Loki says not sounding apologetic at all.

Danerus’s P.O.V.

I pull against the chains, feeling my flesh tearing and healing as I continue my way forward. I’m screaming and growling at the women that lured me here. They all smelled similar to Deva so I hadn’t questioned them when they told me Deva had sent them to bring me to her. They had informed me she wasn’t feeling good, that her home had turned against her and that it is killing her. I had followed them and they led me into a dark cave quickly overpowering me with their element gifts , shackling me to the stoned wall. I’ve been here nearly three days- days I could of spent searching for her. They have been treating me as a pet on a leash. Bringing me food in dog dishes and offering to brush and braid my hair. I wanted them all to let me go so I could find my deva. the full moon is approaching, making me have muscle spasms and my blood boil.

Things started to brighten around me and I knew they were bringing me my dinner. I stop struggling and get into a defensive pose.


“Evening Lycan, we brought you your dinner.” Informed the leader, she was the one who looked the most like my Deva.


She has long auburn hair, with almond shaped green eyes. she didn’t look much older than I. But her presence felt completely different. She had a presence that you would feel around an old crone. Filled with knowledge, minus the wrinkles of course. She's taller than I and she’s wearing a long dark off the shoulder blue dress that dragged behind her. She looks towards two smaller nymphs and tilts her head my way. these two are always doing her bidding from what I have observed. One has long stick thin blonde hair with grey unexpressive eyes, she wore a knee length light blue dress. The other had a pixie bob black hair with periwinkle eyes, wearing a dark red dress that barely covered anything on her. Both were bare footed. They stepped forward each holding a bowl, one contained my food and the other my water. As they came closer , the closer I came to losing my patients. And I’m not a very patient guy to begin with.I growl lowly at them and they freeze, giving their mistress a nervous look. All she did was tilt her head toward me again. I feel my k-nines lengthen and I bare them at the young nymphs. They make a sound of fear, dropping the bowls and racing out of the cave. Tripping over themselves and one another. The leader steps forward and doesn’t back down until she is in front of me. She take my jay roughly between her fingers.  


“Such a grumpy Lycan. did your masters not treat you right? It wouldn’t be surprising. The Vampires belong to the dead- they are no longer part of the nature they once bore from.” She humors, I snap my teeth at her.” Violent as them though.” She add taking a step back.


“I wonder what my little Deva see’s in you, Lycan.” She states grasping her own delicate chin as if she was thinking what it was.


“My sparkling personality.” I remark straining against my chains again.


“Maybe… but Deva’s not that easily impressed.” She replies walking circles around me.


“Well she’s not you, she doesn’t treat me like a pet.” I ground out tugging harder.


She sighs and stops right in front of me.


“Oh stop the fussing, you’ll be released soon enough. We just need to keep you here until the moon has passed. We can’t have you claiming Deva.” She informs me, crossing her arms over her chest.


“Who are you?” I ask not bothering to indulge her.


She smiles and starts walking back to the entrance of the cave.

“Oh why I’m Deva’s mother.” She answers leaving me alone once again in the cave.

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