The New Avenger Part 27

Start from the beginning

Italics: Head talk

Regular: Normal talk

Peter are you there? Can you hear me? Don't say anything out loud. Say what you want to say in your head. 

Aria?! How can this be?


Oh. Cool. Wait, when did you put the spell on me? 

Before they took you into the trees. Are you ok?

I'm ok. My shoulder hurts a little. 

Where are you?

Same place you were being held

I know. I'm outside

Wait what?

We came for you. I can track you. When I put the spell on you, I can track you. Now, where exactly are you inside?

I don't know. Looks like a bunch of crates. I'm at the end. The only light coming in the room is coming from a small window in the door. 

Aria started hyperventilating. 

Your in the same place I was. 

Oh. Well, don't think about that. Oh hang on, two men came inside. What do I do?

Nothing. just do whatever they tell you to do. If you say anything, they will hurt you, if you do something they don't want you to do, they will hurt you. Do not speak unless spoken to. Do you understand?

Yeah. They've taken me to this lab thing. 

I'm on my way. I know where you are. 

Aria cut the communication off. 

"Guys, I know where Peter is. He told me."

"Where?" Rhodey asked. 

"Just come where I am. Southside of the building. Now"

A few minutes later, everyone was where Aria was. 

"Follow me" Aria said. 

"Listen carefully. There are four men guarding the main door. Then two other guards inside where Peter is being held. And two outside where Peter is being held. And, there is at least one guard at every single corner. I'm going where Peter is. Loki is coming with me. I need you guys to cover. Got it?"

Everyone nodded. 

Everyone except Loki and Aria went ahead and started fighting the guards. 

"Ok. All clear. You're good to go" Aria heard Tony say through the coms

Loki and Aria made their way through the hallways, and when they reached the door that held Peter, as Aria said, there were two guards. Aria and Loki brought them down. (They did not kill anyone. Loki does not enjoy killing, and Aria said that they would not kill anyone)(Hope you all got the part about Loki not enjoying killing ;) )

Once they became unconscious, Aria opened the door, and as soon as she did, they started fighting the two guards inside plus the two scientists. And as soon as they became unconscious, Aria looked around the room, and saw Peter strapped to a table. Their was an IV inside his arm. 

"Peter!" Aria ran to him, and started releasing him. 

Peter had been asleep. 

"Aria! You found me!"

"Of course I did you dumb-dumb"

As soon as he was free, Peter and Loki ran out, but Aria stayed in the room. She was getting visions of her. Her memories were rushing to her head, and she couldn't stop them. 

She shook them out of her head and she looked around, and saw a cabinet. 

She walked towards it and opened all of the cabinets. There were just loose papers. 

Until she reached the last cabinet. 

There was a file under the name "45d"

That was the name that H.Y.D.R.A addressed her as. 

She picked the file up and opened it. 

"ARIA! Let's go!" she heard Loki's voice say

Aria closed the file and put it in between her belt and her suit. She ran towards the door and ran out. They all made it to the jet, and everyone was inside, including Aria. 

Rhodey started the jet and started flying home. 


"I AM NEVER LETTING YOU OUT OF MY SIGHT AGAIN!" Tony said as he was squishing Peter in a hug. 

"Mr. Stark. I. can't. BREATHEEEE!" 

"Oh sorry" Tony let Peter go, and as soon as he did, Peter inhaled a lungful of air. 

"Thank you for coming for me"

"Hey, we're family. Of course we'd look for you" Wanda said. 

Aria was in a corner, debating whether or not to open the file she found. She finally decided that she would open it. 

And she found a lot. 

She found information on her health during her time there, the experiments they did, her results, she found what they did to her when she was a baby. 

And she was about to close the file, when she noticed that the last page was stuck to one of the pages. 

She gently ripped it apart and looked at the last page. She was shocked. 

It was information about her mother


Cliffhanger! OooOooOOoOOOOOoooOoooooOoOOOoooO!

What do you think is going to happen next?

(I feel like this is turning into Carmen Sandiego)

Anyway, you guys are going to have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens next. 

Oh, and go check out 


also known as Callie M. Lokidottir

She's Lokidottir!

She's awesome, go check her out!

Keep reading my little avengers and keep the world safe!



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