Chapter 3: The Birth of Hatred

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Speak: "Talk-no-jutsu"
jutsu/beast: "Talk-no-jutsu"
Thoughts/Beast thoughts: talk-no-jutsu/talk-no-jutsu
Mental speak/beast mental speak: "talk-no-jutsu"/"talk-no-jutsu"

1st Pov
Two months later

Making my way through the backstreets and alleys of Konoha, avoiding the open road. Thanks to my black hair I wasn't as easy to pick out of a crowd as Naruto'a blonde mop of hair but better safe than sorry.

I was heading to my usual spot where I trained in chakra control with kuro on the village outskirts. Thanks to Kuro's help my progress has made leaps and bounds, and today we were finally going to begin practicing the jutsu ive wanted to for a long time

Pausing my steps, I glanced out toward the open road down the alley way. There many shops were open and the people were bustling merrily left and right.

My anger began to spike up rapidly, just seeing those fake masks of happiness and joy, that could turn into hate and spite on the drop of a hat made me sick. It brought back memories, memories of that day 6 months ago...

Six months ago

Kushina was feeling rather well that day, well enough not to need her crutches outside. She brought both me and Naruto out for a pleasant walk on the town during the late evening

Later, on our way back home, all three of us were talking merrily, and managed to have a pleasant eat out. Yet, as we made down the main street I couldn't help but notice more and more people glaring towards us. If kushina noticed, she didn't make any obvious signs of it, even as the air seemed to grow tenser

I don't know who did it first, but I noticed a pebble roll right at my feet. Then my brother crying out

Turning my head toward Naruto as fast as I could, I saw him rubbing his forehead, a slightly larger pebble at his foot. Mom quickly stood in front of the two of us, her arms out protectively. When I looked past her I saw a couple of older kids and a lot of adults who had all formed a loose circle around us.

Kushina: "Please, we aren't causing any trouble, just let us through." My mother pleaded

Woman: "No trouble you say? You should have thought about before giving birth to that hell spawn!"

Man: "You should get out of our village! A disgraced wife and the children of a failure aren't welcome here!"

These people...they were absolutely hysterical. Kushina face changed from pleading to furious in a heartbeat.

Kushina: "How could you?! Minato gave his life for this village! He fought off our enemies that threatened your livelihood and deterred the Nine tailed fox, and you just" *cough cough*

Kushinas reprimand was interrupted by a violent fit of coughing causing her to slightly keel over

Menma/Naruto: "Mom!" We both called out in panic

Man 2: "Damn witch. Doesn't matter what you say my son is still dead!"

Kid 1: "Just get out of our village!"

Kid 2: "Freaks with hair like yours should just die!"

Woman 2: "You took my own husband away from me you monsters!"

Like a fuse lit, harsh words and rocks began to fly left and right towards us. Kushina, without any hesitation, threw her arms around me and Naruto to shield us while her own weakened body became battered and bruised

Naruto: Menma the Black FoxDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora