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the truth set loose

"You working a long shift today?" Kyrie asked as she reclined back in the adjustable chair. She filled in late morning hours with her break away from football. On such a day, she strayed towards Jessalyn's tattoo parlour. It was closed for a moment and none of Jessalysn's colleagues was present so the two were left in a space of solace for a quick minute.

Across from Kyrie sat Jessalyn. Her usual full black hair was pulled back with a bandana while her fingers were covered with gloves. She listened to Kyrie while her focus remained on organising various needles and inks. "Most likely. I got some clients who need their sleeves finished so that's going to be fun," she drew out a low breath, holding up a stencil. She placed it down and turned to her friend with a coy smile across her lips. "You want something you need done? I think you should reconsider getting the nipple piercings. I'm free right now, you know."

Kyrie let out a stretched laugh. She couldn't deny that she enjoyed Jessalyn's banter; it was light-hearted yet effectively humour. Something that couldn't offend unless you chose to take it to heart. "Yes. I can see that, Lyn. Thank you but no thank you. I've already made up my mind a long time ago. I'm good but thank you for the offers. Constant offers. I'm not against them. Now just isn't the best time. I don't think I'll be getting one anytime soon."

Jessalyn thought before her lips formed into a faint o shape. "Right 'cause you want to have more kids. No better way for you to think and act your age, Kyrie." Though it wasn't a priority, one day, Kyrie hoped to carry a child of her own back in her university days. She hadn't planned when or how though she saw something in the near future. However, her plans were pushed forward once Junior entered this world. Despite this, she wanted to extend her experience with motherhood; her adult plans were early rather than delayed. "You know I've done my research and nipple piercings don't interfere with breastfeeding. I wouldn't offer to do it if they weren't safe for you."

"I know that and I appreciate the love that you have for me. I just don't feel comfortable knowing a ring of metal will be in my kid's mouth."

"Okay, I get what you're saying. Regardless, I'm still here if you need someone to hook you up," Jessalyn winked as she pointed to herself. Kyrie shook her head. Sat on a salon stool, she pushed herself closer to where Kyrie sat. "When you say you want more kids, do you plan to have them with Amari—"

"If we aren't together why would I go out of my way to have another kid with him?" Kyrie frowned hoping it would translate her disappointment. The want for her to have another child exclusively with Amari seemed to be a common thought amongst others but herself. Her mom, Amari's mom, Amari, Jessalyn—almost everyone really—wanted to revive something that was long inert. And she could understand why some would come to that opinion. But she wasn't about to place herself in a position where she struggled under a few years back just to please others. She held more experience than before, yes, but now wasn't quite ideal for her.

"I don't know," Jessalyn lifted her shoulder in a half shrug. "For the sake of Junior. The kid adores you guys—together especially—so I couldn't imagine having to do that to him."

Kyrie once thought she couldn't do that—split with Amari—to Junior. She and Amari wanted the best for their kid from the moment he was born. Junior wasn't exactly planned though he was surely welcomed with the open arms of his parents. They were young and inexperienced yet they acted with refined responsibility and fresh knowledge to the idea of parenthood; they didn't make excuses as to why they could be viewed as bad parents. Instead, they were good parents who made unhinged decisions in their lives. Nonetheless, those decisions shaped the rest of their lives which they wouldn't change even if they were given alternative options to life.

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