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For the minority of time that Kyrie had taken her rightful placement in Liverpool, she enjoyed the experience to the fullest. Now back in England, she could be around her friends—both famous and common—family (who were scattered about in Liverpool and Manchester) and of course, perhaps work from home (or from Amari's place) more than she could when she was stationed in Germany. All of this combined and intertwined with one another, and perhaps much more, brought the assistant on another level of euphoria—she wanted to be surrounded by her family and friends and so that's what she was gifted in the end by returning home.

But of course, the good always came with some sense of bad; sometimes acquiring your wishes came with its downsides.

After everything that Kyrie had to handle during the summer—Timo and Kai's transfer situation to Chelsea, her own moving situation and every other responsibility she carried on her shoulders—she took a step back from everything just to swiftly return to them. No more than a week into her return and she was already up on her feet running errands, attending meetings and going about her job for Claire; essentially taking up all of her responsibilities at once. In terms of travelling, it hadn't grown to make her situation any better. Yes, she was now home though she found herself at least weekly airport-bound going between England, France and Germany.

And of all this, and perhaps much more, left Kyrie feeling extensively drained and worn out—straining the natural supply of her euphoria. But she wouldn't admit it to anyone. Without speaking a word, one could sense that Kyrie represented herself as a firm and strict figure and when you built your reputation to seem undisturbed, eloquent and organised, it was almost impossible for those around you to notice your defects and mishaps. One, they rarely occurred and two, it would most likely take place behind closed doors.

Like most people of age, Kyrie didn't take pleasure in carrying out most of her compulsory adult responsibilities, you know. However, there was a single one that Kyrie wouldn't exchange for the world. Much like every other legal requirement of her it came about as a responsibility in her early twenties and since then it soon became something that she didn't want to let go of; in other words, a job she did free of pay.

Though of course, the one responsibility that she enjoyed the most was almost given the least amount of time from Kyrie as she became so consumed in her literal job as an assistant sports agent. It was quite a shame for the young woman because she believed that the one responsibility of hers deserved an unlimited amount of her time and effort. She tried her best to accommodate and split her time right in the correct manner but unfortunately, the football industry had its demands that always required to be met on a regular basis.

Back at Amari's place (yes, again), the two were sat in front of the TV closely next to one another. Kyrie sat comfortably in Amari's embrace with her head rested on his shoulder and her arm behind his back. He reciprocated the actions; her head cushioning his own while his arm branched over her shoulder as he pulled her close, their free arms joining by overlapping fingers as both of their legs collapsed on the glass table. Upon watching the TV the pair weren't in close in contact as they sat on opposite sides of the couch. Though over time, they began drawn to each other and since then, neither have had the heart to slip away—even with the lack of intimacy between the two. Or at least, one would like to assume.

For the most part, Kyrie remained silent while the pair watched the movie, Dope. Amari didn't think much of her behaviour but when ASAP Rocky appeared on the TV screen and she didn't give a single reaction—neither a cheer, a squeal or a musing eye roll—then that's when he got worried. Grabbing the remote to reduce the volume managed to capture her attention. "Hey, this is your favourite part! I put this movie on for you, you know."

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