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3rd Person POV
A mysterious woman with white hair is seen holding a basket. She walks down a street only it up by the few street lights.

She walks up some stairs to a building. But it's not just any building, it's an orphanage.

She removes the blanket covering the basket, revealing a baby with white hair and green eyes. She looks at the baby with tears in her eyes.

???: *crying* I'm so sorry sweetheart. But they won't let me raise you for who I am. But I will always love you, my sweet Shiro.

The woman kissed her child on the forehead before leaving the baby at the door step and knocking. After knocking, she left into the light.

The baby, yearning for his mother's arms, reached out and felt nothing but loneliness. He began to cry loudly, wishing to be held.

The door suddenly opened, revealing a woman, a caretaker of the orphanage.

Caretaker POV
I heard sudden knocking at the front door. When I opened it there was no one there.

But when I looked down, I saw a baby boy with white hair and green eyes crying.

Oh my god!

I picked the baby up and looked to see anyone and saw nothing.

I took him inside and sat him on the table. I found a note on the basket. I took it and it read:

'I'm sorry, but because of a group of people I am affiliated with, I cannot raise my dear son. I brought him here so that someone else can give him the love and care he needs. His name is Shiro. Inside with him is a necklace I have for him, for something to remember me by. Please take care of my son.'

I looked at the boy with sadness.

Poor boy.

Caretaker: Hi Shiro. I promise to take care of you.

I held Shiro into my arms as he slowly fell asleep.

Shiro POV
It's been 5 years since I've been at the orphanage.

I made myself a name as the quiet kid here. I didn't really have friends here, I just stayed by myself. But I didn't mind, I kinda liked the peace.

One day, the caretaker came in with a little girl with blue hair and hazel eyes.

Caretaker: Hello Shiro, I see that you haven't made much friends here. So I'd like you to meet our newest girl here.

I mentally sighed and agreed to hang out with her. It was first a little awkward, but then I decided to break the silence.

Shiro: Sooooo.....what's your name?

???: *shyly* Xenovia. What's yours?

Shiro: I'm Shiro, it's nice to meet you Xenovia.

3rd Person POV
Ever since Shiro met Xenovia, the two grew up to be the best of friends. They ate together, played together and sometimes slept in the same bed together.

Unfortunately, it wasn't going to last forever.

One day, Shiro saw a very sad Xenovia.

Shiro: Xenovia! What's wrong?

Xenovia: *sadly* I got adopted....

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