Chapter 9: Kanto Arc- St. Anne Cruise

Start from the beginning

"Wow, He must be a great Trainer." Lucario chirped up

Nurse Joy who heard it lit up,"Are you perhaps Ash Ketchum?"

"Yes, Why?"

"Oh! I heard about you from my Sister, You saved an Abandoned Charmander and Save the Pokeball from the Thief, Aren't you? She also told me about Rare Talking Pokemon!"

"Oh, Okay..."

Ash and Lucario look at each other in silence and don't know if it was a good thing or bad thing that the Rumour got spread out but well, there is no harm is it.

"So, Ash, Pikachu. Are you gonna challenge Lt. Surge?" Lance asked after a few second

"What do you think, Pikachu? Are you Ready?" Ash raised his shoulder where Pikachu perched upon

[Pika! Pika!] "More than Ready!" He chirped up with Burning Determined and a spark from his Cheek

Lance, who saw the determined and fearless of Pikachu and Ash make him humed in intrigued, They walk into the Electric Gym and indeed the Decoration is Thunder everywhere. Ash opened the door and saw 3 People in there in the Dark Room.

"Hello, I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. I came to Challenge the Gym Leader to earn a Thunder Badge!"

Ash said in Fearless Voice with Determined and Clear Voice. If he loses to this Person how he gonna face Raiko, Entei and Suicune. He trained together with Mew and Mewtwo. He can not lose and it seems Pikachu also shares the same sentiment because he also gives a spark of electricity in his Body.

"Hey, Boss. Another Victim in the Emergency Room!" One of them said to someone in his back

"Welcome to Vermillion Gym" A Gruff Male voice greet him

'Wow, He's Huge.' Ash though in silence

A Male wears a Military Jacket, A Spiky Blond Hair and a Friendly Look in his face? For some reason, the Gym Leader, Ruthless Idea of him, got broken apart.

"OKay, Baby!" Lt. Surge rubbing his Head

'Baby?!' Ash squeaked and Lucario, who heard it snickered, earned a dirty look from Ash,"Shut up, Lucario!" He cleared his Throat,"Anyway, Can we begin the Battle?"

[Pika, Pika!] Pikachu chirped up jump down from Ash shoulder

Lt. Surge looks at Pikachu who grinning fearlessly like it loves to battle a stronger Pokemon, He also senses something different from the Boy in front of him. This Boy different.

"Come out, Raichu!" He send out his Pokemon

They go into the Field, Pikachu has brimming with Electric and Ash knows that this is his Battle battling with the same type as him even though he often battles with Raikou but then it was time to prove his Training to Raichu.

"Let the Battle Begin!"

"PIkachu, Thundershock!" Ash command

Pikachu gives a Thundershock but it has no effect on Raichu to make Lt. Surge laughs, Ash observes the Opponent Move and the Trainer.

"Show him the True ThunderShock!" Lt. Surge command

Raichu send out a strong Thundershock to Pikachu

"Pikachu, Iron Tail to the Ground and channel the Electric to the Ground!"


Raichu Thundershock has no effective to Pikachu who channel the Electric to the Ground, Ash give a smirk to a surprised look of Lt. Surge

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