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024. Misunderstanding


S A N A ' S

"Where's Mina?" I asked as I step inside the kitchen. Looking at Jeongyeon helping Nayeon unnie to cook our dinner.

"She told us she'll meet someone and we'll be back before dinner." Nayeon unnie said which made me nod my head. A week already passed, Jun is still courting me even though he knows I feel the same way towards him. He said he needs to prove himself before anything else.

I excused myself for awhile and went outside the house. What happened a week ago kept lingering inside my mind and I can't stop thinking about it. It made me doubt although I was preventing myself to do so.

Jun and Mina's closeness is bothering me. Seeing them inside the library, smiling at each other made me jealous.

She's a friend but what if Jun really likes Mina and I'm just his key to get to her? Jun isn't like that, I know. I'm too stupid to think that Mina can do such thing to me.

Heaving a deep sigh as I opened the gate and saw Wonwoo outside. I shot a questioning look at him. He was just standing there, wearing a blue hoodie with his hands slid inside his pocket.

"What are you doing here?" I gently asked while standing in front of him.

"Is Junhui here?" He immediately asked with a serious tone of voice. I blinked my eyes multiple times, sinking in his question.

What made him think that Junhui is here? I mean, he never been here before and how did he knew our location? I brushed off the questions inside my mind, before answering him.

"He isn't here. Why?" I answered with full formality since he really look so serious and straight to the point. He sighed before looking away.

"He said he'll be here to pay a visit. Well, I guess he lied."

He simply muttered, but those words made me really surprised. He didn't text me saying he'll visit, I've been trying to contact him also, but he never answered his phone.

Wonwoo suddenly walk towards his motorcycle, that is parked across the house. I followed him with no thoughts, hands were quite trembling. So, where is he?

"Sana, where are you going?" Wonwoo asked, facing me with a raised brow. I slowly lifted my sight to meet his gazes. First and for most, I don't know what to do. Maybe I should just follow him and find Junhui as well. He's not cheating, right?

I knew he's a playboy, but he made a promise to me that he will change. Am I hoping so much? Expecting him to really did a change. Judging him isn't the best option for now, I need to find him and see it for myself.

"Can I go with you? Let's find him."


"Please?" I clasp both of my hands while pleading to him. He breath as if giving in and nodded his head. He gave me a helmet, before he hop over his motorcycle. I wear the helmet, slowly taking a leap and sat behind him.

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