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014. Something Personal


N A Y E O N ' S

I was peacefully walking down the school pathways, my hair tied up in a messy bun with some hairs remaining on a side. We got an early dismissal, the others dealing with their own businesses. Mina was called to the faculty office since she'll participate with the inter-school quiz bee next month. Sana was looking bothered about something while Jeongyeon is having a peaceful sleep on the library. I chose to take a walk, staying still is boring.

I saw girls and boys minding their different businesses. The existence of the rules in this school is really useless. I don't know how they come up with it. If that's the case, they could just build a school just for boys, unlike this rule that's somewhat like of animals fighting for dominance.

I shrug off the thoughts and focused on my surroundings. There are many trees in the pathway of the school, turning red, orange and even yellow. Fall might be coming already.

"Holy—" I blurted out when a ball hit my head. Come on, who would play a ball in the middle of the pathway. I faced that person, before slowly picking up the ball on the ground. "Yah! Do you want to die?"

He looked surprised when I pass the ball with full force. He just smirked, while dribbling the ball. It was no other than a jerk named Choi Seungcheol.

"Yah!" I said with a serious and deep voice. He raise his gaze at me, lifting a brow up. My anger immediately boiled, didn't he knew that he just disturb the beautiful view before me. He looked unbothered which got me more mad.

"Won't you say sorry?"

"Uh, why would I? 

He was dribbling the ball back and forth while talking to me. Seriously, this jerk really got the guts to piss me off. I lowered down my head, stopping the urge to kick his ass.

I noticed that he was also dripping with sweats, wetting his uniform. The heck is with this guy? Earlier, he was looking so serious while arguing with me and now, he looked like someone loosing his manners.

"Such a jerk." I muttered before turning my back away from him. He just ruined the mood and I'm not happy with it. He's always there to pester me. He's always there to make me wanna hit him.

I assumed he never followed me but I was startled when he suddenly pass beside me. He's still dribbling that ball while smiling widely or should I say jerk-ly. I didn't lay any gazes at him, I continued walking like he was just a substance of thin air.

"Do you remember the kiss?"

I stopped on my tracks when I heard that once again. He should gone over it, but he never did. I bet he liked my kiss, sarcastically speaking. Rolling my eyes, before I continued walking away. I tried avoiding him, but this guy has the intentions to follow me. I wasn't assuming anything, his actions were shamelessly saying it.

Even when I got in front of the music room, he still continued following me. He wasn't dribbling the ball this time. I rolled my eyes when he suddenly stood beside me, following my steps.

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