Requests closed and I'm sorry..

460 4 15

⚠️⚠️ Warning! Slight swearing in this! If you're not comfortable with that, then I advice you to not read, on the other hand, if you're okay with it, then go ahead. You have been warned! ⚠️⚠️


Hey guys..

I'm closing the requests for a bit because I have many requests I haven't gotten to doing as I've been having my own ideas recently.
Also for those who have requested like- a month ago- I'm sorry I haven't done them.

Take this as a little vent I guess.. (⚠️Swearing starts here!!⚠️)

High school is a fucking load full of shit that is affecting my mental health a lot, I mean, I went to the fucking Mental Health section of a hospital, so I mean yeah, my mind is pretty fucked up, but it's not only of school, there's other reasons I am not posting anything, but that is more personal than school. I never have enough time to at least finish a oneshot, or then again, even start one. Here where I live, the teachers can get really fucking hard on their students, giving you up to at least 5 projects from each subject, a bunch of fucking homework and a bunch of exams. I find it really hard to study due to all the stress this hellhole is giving me, which leads me to failing a lot of exams, and having to re-take them, putting even more stress on top of the stress I already have. If I end up failing at least 3 subjects, I need to re-take these exams in September, and if I don't pass, I have to repeat the fucking grade, and I don't want to end up with the bunch of assholes that are in the younger grade, because I would much rather stay with my friends thank you very much. So that is also worrying me, although I shouldn't worry because it will only put more stress on me, leading me to have my mind full of bull crap and not concentrating in classes or studying.

And can you believe, although I have 7 days left of school, not counting the tiny holiday I have and the weekends, I still have projects, exams and all that load of bull shit- in 7. Fucking. Days.
High school really wants to make my life as fucking stressful as possible, doesn't it?

A week left of school, a fucking week, yet they still wanna spill all that fucking shit on me.

So, because I have to study for like- 4 more exams that I have still, I won't be posting anything until my school finishes..

But don't worry, it won't be long, my last day of school is on the 23rd of June, and after that, I will have all the time in the world to post, and I will do all your requests and my own ideas, because I just get random ideas at like- 5 am-

So I'm really sorry for keeping you guys waiting and not saying anything. My brain, right now, at nearly 6 in the morning, just decided to tell you guys now..

Oh and, if some of you have read my "Conversations" tab, I said that I would start a story, and an actual good one, not the previous one that I deleted, which I think some of you know which one that was. That story wasn't very good, I only had the ideas for the few first chapters, but after I had done those, I had no idea what to write afterwards, and I already knew how I wanted to end it, but there needed to be some drama in the middle, but nothing came to my head, which was the reason I deleted it.
This story I'm planning though, is gonna be better. I have a lot of time in the summer, so I will be writing scripts for it, and then writing it on Wattpad.

So stay tuned for that.

Oh and if you're interested, I will also be starting doing videos on my channel: Shådøw Nïghtfãlls.
And yes, most of the videos will be TMF, and I even have ideas for a series with an AU I am practically in love with, so if you are interested, then stay tuned for that as well.

Thank you for reading if you reached up to here, and sorry about the swearing, I tend to do that when I'm really stressed..

And I hope you are excited for the story and series I will be doing!

With that said, see you guys some time after the 23rd, love you all, bye!

779 words.

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