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WARNING!! : Alcohol, r@pe, suicide. If you are uncomfortable with any of these topics I suggest you don't read this oneshot. You have been warned. ⚠️

Ship: Luke x Jake (Juke) 🧡💛

Type: Angst 💔 A little Fluff 💝

Request by: AmberlightingSky (She is my bestie sooo, if you want to follow her she will be grateful).

Jake was just having a night stroll through the city. He did this because he liked the calm cricket noises coming from nearby bushes and the small breeze that came with it. What he found creepy through, is that he had to pass an alley. He always had terrible feelings when he passed it, it was always quite dark there, but there was one street light around the corner as he could see a dim light.

He came to a stop when he saw the alley. He took a deep breath and was about to pass it, but immediately stopped when he heard weird noises coming from inside the alley. He would now and again hear noises, but he would ignore them and continue his strolling.

But this time... this time his guts were telling him to find out what was going on... and quickly. Because someone was there.. not just any someone... someone... important... and they were in danger.

Jake went inside the alley, chills running down his spine as the noises got louder. He peeked his head around the corner and was horrified at what he saw.

There were two people, not too far from the dim street light. One of them was hovering over the other, with a bunch of beer bottles around them, and the other was leaning against the wall, not moving. He squinted his eyes as he saw more clearly that the one holding the beer bottles, was forcing the beer in to the other's mouth. The guy also slowly started to take the person's clothes off, like he was about to... do something terrible.. He was horrified when he saw that that person was...


Jake quickly sprang in to action. He saw a rock, laying on the cold alley floor. He picked it up and threw it at the guy's head as hard as he could. The rock hit him pretty hard in the head and fell to his side. He slowly crept up to him, he seemed to be passed out. Jake looked over at Luke, and he looked pretty drowsy. He got drunk by force and was about to get.... Yeah, I'm sure you know.. The worst part was that it seemed the guy had forced Luke to drink about 3 bottles of beer, and he was a minor. Jake kneeled down next to Luke and pulled him in to an embrace. He took his phone out of his pocket and called the police.

The police soon came and arrested the guy and thanked Jake for saving someone innocent from something so terrible. Once they left, Jake picked Luke up bridal style. Luke fell asleep rather quickly. Jake felt horrible that Luke had to go through something so terrible. Jake took Luke back to his house and layed him down on his bed. He pulled the covers over Luke and sat down on the edge of the bed. He took his phone out and dialed the number of Luke's mum to tell her what happened. She was horrified by the news that her son was drunk by force and almost... that, she was really worried for him too. Jake told her not to worry, he would take care of Luke. She thanked Jake for saving her precious son and hung up.

Jake looked at the time: 23:37 pm. He looked back at Luke, who was peacefully sleeping. He decided he would let Luke sleep on his bed and that he would just sleep on the couch. He got up and was about to leave the room when he felt a hand gently grab his wrist. Jake looked back and saw Luke was just barely awake. He felt Luke's hand shaking and proceeded to hold it. Luke then said a quiet "Stay". Jake smiled and got in to bed, pulling the covers over both of them. Luke snuggled closer to Jake as the peach haired boy blushed. He didn't really mind though, since Luke didn't really know what he was doing and he went through something horrible. A comfortable silence fell in Jake's dark room. The silence was soon broken by Luke snoring softly. Jake smiled as he slowly fell asleep, wrapping his arms around Luke as he did so.

Luke ship Oneshots TMF (No Requests) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora