📄 Project 📄

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Ship: Drew x Luke (Druke) 📱🧡

Type: Fluff 💝

Requested by: cloudless_cacti

Drew got home feeling like crap. Why, you may ask? He had to do a project and he was paired with the music club's drummer, Luke. In an hour or so, Luke would be knocking at his door. Drew sighed and decided to get himself something to eat before the auburn haired boy came.


About an hour and a half passed, Drew had already done his homework and was now scrolling through his phone. He heard a knock at the door and frowned as he knew who it was. He lazily went to open the door and saw the boy standing there with a smile on his face. Drew blushed, he had no idea why he was suddenly feeling this way, but he brushed it off.

"Come in.." Drew said. Luke went inside and Drew closed the door. Luke looked around the room he was in and was astonished.

"Wow, your house is really cool!" Luke said, shooting a wholesome smile at Drew. He blushed more than before, he seemed to love the boy's enthusiasm.

"Um.. Thanks.." Drew said, trying to hide his blushing face.

"Come on. We can do the project in my room" Drew said as he walked up the stairs, Luke following behind.


It was currently 19:30 pm, the two boys had nearly finished. The problem was, Luke was feeling drowsy. These past few weeks he wasn't able to sleep properly due to the stress with school. Luke felt his eyes close slowly, as he leaned on Drew's shoulder and fell asleep. Meanwhile, Drew was a blushing mess. He looked over at the sleeping boy, he looked so peaceful. Drew smiled, he knows now that he is in love with the drummer. He let the boy sleep, as he continued the project himself. He finished about 15 minutes later. Luke hadn't moved an inch during that time and the only noise in the room was Luke's breathing.

Drew picked Luke up bridal style and put him down on the bed. He covered him with the covers and was about to leave but was suddenly pulled on to the bed. He looked behind him and saw that the auburn haired boy was spooning him. He flushed red but smiled as he also closed his eyes and fell asleep in Luke's embrace.


Okiiiiii doneee this requesttttt, there's another Druke request so I might do that one next.
So yeahhhh hope you enjoyed this oneee. Sorry it's short, I had no more ideassss.
Anygays see yaaaa~~~

432 words.

Luke ship Oneshots TMF (No Requests) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora