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Ship: Luke x Zander (Lander) 🧡💜

Type: Angst 💔 Fluff 💝

Request by: BlueAutumnTV

(Lander are dating in this one 🧡💜🥜🍇)

Zander looked at his surroundings. It was all black, like if he was in the void, not knowing if there was an ending to it, or if he was standing or falling. He panicked wondering what to do, there was no escape. He then saw a figure in the distance. He went closer and saw that there were two figures. He came closer and closer, and what he saw shattered his heart. He saw Luke and Hailey, kissing. He felt tears well up in his periwinkle purple eyes.

"Luke..?" Zander hesitantly said.

"Oh, it's you.." Luke said, rather rudely.

"Are you cheating on me..?" Zander asked, as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

"You seriously thought I loved you, haha so funny!" He said, laughing like a bully. Hailey also laughed.

"I only dated you to get closer to Hailey. So I don't need you anymore. You can go ahead and get out of my life" Luke said and laughed, Hailey too.

Zander couldn't believe what he was hearing. His childhood friend, crush, boyfriend, only used him to get closer to his step-sister and now he was left in the dust. He sunk to the ground crying his eyes out.

"...nder..! Zander heard a voice say. He didn't know what the voice said, but he looked up, curious.

"..Ander!" He heard it again, more clearly, but still not knowing what it was saying.

"Zander!!" And again.. It said his name. He looked around trying to find the person yelling his name, but didn't know what to do, he was stuck in the vast black nothingness.

"ZANDER!!!" Zander woke up to Luke yelling his name. He found himself sitting up in Luke's warm embrace while leaning on him. He realised it was just a nightmare, but he started to cry again. Luke waited patiently, rubbing circles on Zander's back and giving him kisses on his head, as he waited for his boyfriend to calm down. Once Zander finally calmed down was when Luke spoke.

"Do you want to talk about it..?" Luke asked, in his comforting, deep voice. Zander nodded, still having a bit of trouble speaking, because he would sob every now and then. After a while, Zander spoke.

"I-I had a nightmare a-about y-you using m-me to get c-closer t-to Hailey. A-And when y-you did, y-you-" Zander was interrupted by a sob as he remembered the horrible scene in his nightmare.

"Y-You t-told me t-to g-get out o-of your li-fe-" Zander immediately broke in to tears again as Luke attempted to comfort him.

"Oh Zander, you know I would never do that. I only see Hailey as a friend. Hey, look at me.." Luke said as he lifted Zander's chin.

"Just know I love you so much and I wouldn't even think about leaving you, alright?" Luke said, as he smiled. Zander nodded and buried his face in Luke's chest. They lied back down on the soft sheets of their bed and cuddled in each others embrace, eventually falling asleep.


Oki soooooo, have some Zander angsttt I guesssss. BlueAutumnTV, I hope you liked the way I did your request, and I hope the rest of you enjoyed too. I'm waiting for more requests, so if you have any, don't be afraid to say so in ze comments.

Anywaysssssssss baiiiiiiii~~

593 words.

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