"It's adorable when you say my name"

Every word is pronounced with such delicacy. Now I'm the one blushing slightly, looking down at my fingers intertwined with his. He is always very genuine with what he says. Blush is highly visible on my cheeks right now. I don't know what to say at all. I don't want to face the very obvious problem. It's like everything I could tell him could make him break in small pieces.

"Um, do you know that I will soon hit 20k followers on twitch?" I say, hesitant.

"Wow George that's so great congrats, you're like famous now"

I laugh softly at how amazing he is. He is literally in a hospital bed, looking half dead, yet he still has so much love for other people. I feel bad for bringing up some stuff about myself, but I just want to say something positive to cheer him up. I think it worked, in fact, because he squeezes my hand harder and has a large smile on his face. My free hand gently caresses his cheek. His deep green eyes stare at me, letting me execute my movement. His cheek is cold, but slowly gets hotter at my contact.

The door of the room opens suddenly as both our heads turn around to see who it is. Our eyes meet Nick, his face all swollen by tears, watching the both of us.

"We have to go George" he says looking down at his feet "We will miss the flight"

Wait what? I didn't think we would be still going there. Dream's face turns to look at me as my eyes are stuck on Nick with a terrified expression. He slowly brings his hand to my cheek, making me look at him.

"Just go George, you guys are going to have fun"

He says this with an excited face, but I can see in his eyes that he is really hurting from everything that is going on.

"But..." he cuts me off before I can end my sentence.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me"

My eyes move back and forth between Nick still in the door, and Dream smiling at me. I don't know what to do. I know that if I continue to refuse, he will just keep insisting. But at the same time, if I go, nobody will be here to take care of him. He has literally no family, and the only people he can rely on are all going to be in Greece.

"Please Nick, let us have two more minutes" I say, lost in my thoughts.

The man walks backward slowly, closing the door behind him. I don't know if I should stay or if I should go, but the only thing I really want is for him to be happy. He wouldn't want me to stay just for him. I can't look him in the eyes anymore, like I don't want to hurt him even more. Emotions flood even faster than before, but yet again they stay inside. I don't want to cry in front of Dream, he already looks so sad and fragile from everything. I'm lost.

"Hey" a soft voice says "Tell me, George, how would it have been on our trip to Greece? What would have happened?" He takes a short pause. "I really need to fill my head with happy memories"

I'm a little taken aback by his request, just like the first time. Suddenly, I find the confidence I need to look him in the eyes. Smiling seems more and more torturing for him. I lean down, closer to his face, before whispering.

"Close your eyes, I'm taking you there"

The blonde man closes his eyes shut, taking a better position in his hospital bed. I feel like a parent going to tell a bedtime story to a child. A slight chuckle escaped my lips at the view of him acting so softly. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.

My hand is still in his, as he is waiting peacefully for me to start my story. I realize on the spot that I have no idea what to tell him. It's like I am completely empty of any emotions in my body. Just like my mind is already taken by some more serious things.

"Um... me and you have the absolute best trip of our life" I see him smile happily. "There is a little bit of turbulence in the plane. I am pretty scared, especially when the plane takes off, but you are on my side to reassure me. You take me by the hand, and I immediately stop worrying"

As soon as I end my sentence, he looks at the hand that I am holding. He squeezes it a little harder, before letting me continue.

"When we leave the plane, there is like... um...a massive wind blowing on us. My hair becomes all messy suddenly, and we both laugh at how stupid I look, but none of us care because...the bus arrives to drive us to the hotel"

I can see him laughing slightly at my little made up story. He seems happy, but he still has that sad glare in his eyes.

"And then, when we arrive, the sun is already setting. You take me to the beach with you, and we walk along the water, holding hands just like we did last time. The sand is all hot under our feet, and it smells fresh and salty"

As I continue my story, I start to see small tears escaping the man's eyes. I think he was holding them, but now they are managing to find a way out, sliding slowly on his cheeks. His breath becomes a little heavier, and I can feel his hand in mine shaking slightly. I smile to make him understand that I am here for him, right here.

"We are about to head out when I drag you with me into the water. We are both fully clothed, but none of it matters to us...and then, we look far in the distance just to be surprised with...dolphins."

He chuckles softly, before closing his eyes. I know that he takes this little manner from me, And it makes me happy to see him do the same. 

I'm making this in two parts. It will be up very soon. Have an amazing day, drink water, and take care of you!

Rosa <3

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