Chapter 8

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I wake up this morning very happy and relieved. The fact that I was able to tell everything to Nick yesterday makes me very comforted. I know that I should probably talk directly to Dream, but it is still better than nothing.

I go to my kitchen before grabbing some cereal since I slept more than usual, so I'm absolutely starving. I didn't do much work the past few days, because of Dream. The best idea is probably to work, but I can't get myself to do it. I have a way better idea.


Hey I'm going to stream, and I wonder if you would like to join.

It took a few minutes before getting a response.


Of course I'm down.


Ok lets just beat the game and chill. I'll send you the server link.

I start my stream saying hi to everybody that immediately arrives. Dream is already running around, looking like an idiot. Even in the game, his name is Dream. He has a weird green skin, and I just laugh at him.

I introduce the other man to the chat, all saying hi and cheering. I am very surprised at how good Dream is. He is way more skilled than me, and we manage to beat the game in under 45 minutes. It is probably the best I've ever done.

I am so caught up in the moment that I don't realize the number of people watching us being idiots. I take a quick look at it just to see around 1k viewers. I'm actually in shock since it is the highest I ever had. I get a good amount of dono, thanking every single person. Dream probably understands my excitement, but doesn't comment on it.

After the challenge is completed, we stay around half an hour more, so the people can get to know Dream better. I end the stream shortly after, still in the call with Dream.

"Omg did you see the number of people there" I say in excitement. "There was like 1k people"

"Yes, congrats George that's actually crazy" he responds in the same tone.

"It's all because of you" I add, wanting him to know how much it meant to me.

"No, you did incredible yourself, come on George"

We talk for a while about how the stream went. I even convinced Dream to start his own Twitch channel, which he accepted. The time is going by very quickly, and I don't even realize it.

"Hey I'm sorry, but I have to go, I'm actually going to hang out with Nick a bit before my job starts" he says sadly.

"Yeah sure"

"Come to the beach tonight, same hour"

I agree with him before leaving the discord call. I am left alone, sitting on my chair. My mood is so happy as I started my day absolutely perfectly. I already miss Dream, and that makes me realize how much I love the time we spend together. In fact, I don't think I have ever been this happy before. My thoughts all fade away as I realize the amount of coding I need to do. Taking a half week break is definitely something I already regret.

My mind is so full as I have been working for almost 5 hours now. The only thing I can think about is meeting Dream and the other boys at the beach soon. I step outside, locking my apartment door as I walk at a fast pace towards the same spot.

Nick and Dream are waiting for me, still in their lifeguard uniforms. Neither of them were smiling, probably out of exhaustion. They both have been working all day long in the sun. I make my way towards them with a big smile on my face trying to cheer them up.

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