Chapter 5

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Hey before I start, I just wanna say thanks for reading! There is going to be a few triggering subject in the next few chapters like mention of abuse, and maybe violence. I will put a trigger warning at the beginning of each chapter, I just want to let you know. 

Rosa <3

I wake up the next morning feeling happy. It feels good to finally have a decent reason to get out of bed this morning. The sun is already up in the sky and light is peaking out of the curtains. Like every morning, I look at my phone. I should probably call back to talk to my sister. She must be home now. I sigh and grab my phone. I turn it on, and a notification appears on the screen. It is Dream.


Good Morning George :)

I don't know why he had texted me at literally 7 in the morning, but I find myself smiling at the cute attention.


Hey what's up


Nothing much, but I finish my shift at the beach at 1 pm, and I am wondering if you would like to get some ice cream with me after.

My heart skips a beat knowing that he genuinely wants to spend time with me. It doesn't take long for me to know the answer to his question.


Yeah sure. I'll be at the beach at 1 pm.


Perfect! See ya.

It has been literally a minute since we planned this, and I can't wait. I decide to distract myself and stream for 2 hours. It feels good, and somehow I have more viewers than usually. I can't wait to tell that to Dream. There is an hour left before I am supposed to leave my house. My phone is still laying on the bed where I left it afterwards. I pick it up and feel a wave of courage rush into my body. I go to my contact and call in London. I really hope I am not gonna end up talking to my dad again. Please be directly my sister.

"Hello" a feminine voice escapes from the speaker.

"Um hey Livia" I respond shyly.

"GEORGE OMG" she says, excited.

I am happy because she doesn't seem so mad. I realize at the moment that she could've totally called me if she wanted. That means she probably wants me to go and stop caring so much about her. She sounds genuinely happy and excited.

"Yes it's me" I respond, laughing.

"It's been so long, so many things happen, you know now that I have a-"

"Boyfriend" I say cutting her sentence.

"How do you know?" she asks, confused.

"Dad told me, anyway" I clear my throat "I'm sorry I didn't call before. I was a little overwhelmed by the events, and honestly it slipped out of my mind for a while. I was scared and didn't know how you would react if you thought I forgot you. Im-i'm genuinely sorry".

"It's alright," she says, still keeping her energy. "How is Florida omg how is the weather please tell me everything"

She seems so hype that I can't help but smile before continuing my description.

"It is very warm, obviously. The beach is very near my apartment and I go there every single day now. The sunset is amazing and so full of colors. I tried surfing the other day with um my friends I made, but I completely failed".

"Who are those friends?" she asks curiously.

"Well first there is Nick and Karl. The both of them are dating, and they are genuinely cool and funny. And then there's Dream who is just... Dream I guess".

"Are there actually people in America called Dream" she responded laughing "Why are Americans so weird".

I laugh a little along with her before explaining.

"No it's not his real name. He just likes to get called that, like a nickname you know".

We talk together for a long time about so many things. I am interested in what is going on at home, but she is so curious about my life here. I really over taught this whole conversation, and I am really happy to hear her voice. Before I know it, it is 12:58. I look at the clock terrified, before getting up.

"Sorry I really have to go" I say, turning off my phone and making my way to the front door.

I try running towards the beach, but I am so out of breath I have to stop. Imagine Dream thinking I forgot him or something. I arrive at the beach nearly 10 minutes too late. Dream is already standing there, and smiles at me as I arrive.


"GEORGE" he responds giggling.

"Sorry if I'm late, I got very distracted and didn't see the time fly"

"It's ok George. I thought that you were gonna ditch me for a second" he says, jokingly.

"Don't worry I would never" I respond feeling a wave of confidence in my body.

He looks at me a few seconds, before looking back in front of him. The ice cream place is a little bit down the beach. We walk our way there, talking about random subjects.

"Hey by the way I got like 200 viewers on my livestream today" I say, proud of myself.

"That's so insane omg George congrats!"

He looks really happy and supportive asking questions about the things I do and how I livestream. We finally arrive at the place, and both order our ice cream.

"Come on George let me pay its like 3 dollars"

"You really don't have to, I have money"

"I insist" he says, grabbing my hand and looking me directly in the eyes. I am just mesmerized by the green-yellow color of his eyes. Before I could even notice, he had paid for both of us.

"Thank you" I say before grabbing my ice cream and taking a place on the picnic table behind.

It is very hot, yet Dream is wearing a lifeguard hoodie. I am only wearing a t-shirt and some shorts, and I'm already super hot.

"Why do you wear a hoodie, it's like an oven on this beach"?

He looks down at his hoodie then back up at me.

"I don't know, I guess I prefer them".

He sounded like he wasn't even convinced of his own answer. He clearly looks like he is overheating. We continued eating our ice creams and talking a little bit. For some reason, his mood had changed, and he didn't look as joyous as before I asked him about his hoodie. I start to question it in my head since yesterday at the beach he had a water shirt, while nobody else did.

"George, George hello" he says trying to take me back to reality.

"Sorry I am just thinking, don't worry".

Dream gives me a suspicious look, but he nods in agreement. I can't tell him that the only thing on my mind is him. The conversation goes back to normal, and I kinda forget about everything. Like always, we end up having so much fun together. Even if Karl and Nick aren't there, I feel like I'm surrounded by so many friends. This exact moment feels like pure bliss as we both get up from our seats. 

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