Chapter 14

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The staircase made loud noises under my feet as I approached the bottom of them. I take a look round, and everything looks so familiar. The old and crappy brown kitchen where my mother always stands. The white living room with the white couch and the half-broken fan. The hallway, just very bland. This place that I always hated going into. Usually my mom or my dad would be chatting or arguing, but today, it was empty.

My room was the only real place in the house where I actually felt safe. I try to step forward towards the rest of the house, but I just can't. Tears start to flow down my cheeks once again. I need, but I can't.

I start to panic a little bit, as I burst out of the house, not bothering to look behind. I ran for around 10 minutes in the dark forest, before facing a small parking lot. On the side, there was a small path that leads up somewhere. I have been here so many times that the directions are literally an instinct.

I keep running for about two minutes, before walking towards the rock on the edge. I sit down and cry as much as I can. It feels amazing to let so much emotion get out at once. I thought about calling Nick, but he lives a bit far away, and I don't want to bother him. The night is about to fall when I realize that I was going to have to tell them. I'm sick of everything and I need to let it out.

I have been sitting on the rock for a good five minutes now. I check my phone almost every second, just like it would help to make the time pass faster, before staring back at the ocean, letting out a deep sight. The only thing I can think about is how glad I am to spend some time with Dream. The sun is starting to turn into a bright orange and pink color in the distance. The air is a bit colder than before, but not cold enough to make me shiver.

I sit there as memories from the first time I met Dream. The first night I ever saw them, all happy together. The next day was the most awkward and weird meeting I ever had, but I don't regret any seconds of it. I catch myself smiling at the sea like an idiot. The waves crash not so far down below me. I feel very comforted by the silence and the soft air that brushes my face.

I close my eyes again, imagining everything that could happen from now on. Being alive feels actually amazing for the first time in my life.

I check my phone to see that Dream is almost five minutes late. I close my eyes again, not really caring since I am enjoying the moment right now.


It has been 15 minutes since I arrived and there are literally no signs of the blondie. I sigh deeply at the thought that he might have forgotten me. Although I am a bit worried, I stay still and wait even more. My eyes look at my phone every second now to maybe receive a text or just to see the time.

After about 10 more minutes, I start to walk back a bit frustrated and angry. I am pretty mad, but it doesn't show as much because of how worried I am. What if he decided to leave again and go to his little flower place? The sky is full of dark black clouds now, and the storm could start every second.

I walk a little past the beach when I hear somebody running behind me and calling my name. I turn around to face the person, hoping it is Dream. In the distance, I see a familiar face, but it is not Dream's.

"Hey George" Nick says completely out of breath.

He walks in front of me, before bending down to try and get his breath back.

"Um, hello?" I say back, very confused about what is happening.

Nick takes a few more seconds, before speaking softly.

"Dream can't make it tonight, he told me to come and tell you. He says sorry".

I look him in the eyes. I think he could see how hurt it makes me feel and how confused I am.

"Ok, but why did he ask you to come and tell me, why didn't he just send me a text" I ask with suspicion, since I still don't understand the situation.

"He told me to reassure you, and walk you back home"

Reassure me? About what? I don't need to get walked back home, I am old enough to do it alone. Even with that, he grabs my arm slightly, so we start walking towards my apartment.

"Reassure me about what? And where is Dream?"

I can tell he is a bit nervous about his answer, because he opens his mouth a couple of times, before closing it again. He stays silent for a while.

"Um... nothing don't worry about it"

What is their god damn obsession with them not wanting me to worry about them. It's like they always tell me the same exact thing, and they think that I will just accept it. I grow even more angry at him. This time it is going to be different.

"Why do you guys always tell me that? Why can't I know?" I respond a bit roughly.

Nick stays silent for a very long time, and seems a bit shocked by my response. I don't feel like pressuring him to say anything, but I just can't do it.

"Dream is at my apartment, but George, he really is fine" he says.

At this point, we are arriving at my place. Nick starts to notice, before he walks back a bit.

"Sorry George for everything, have a great night, and don't worry"

I stay there, completely still as Nick walks back towards the beach. It is slowly starting to rain down, as I feel warm drops on my head. I have no idea what to do. This is just so god damn weird. My feet are like stuck at the front door of my home.

After a while, I enter my house, and kick the wall with my feet out of anger. I feel helpless.

Have a great day!

Rosa <3

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