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(TW: Mentions of blood)


Crying is justified the majority of the time.  People cry for multiple reasons; they scraped their knee, fell off a swing, witnessed a murder, someone close to them died, saying goodbye for the last time.  It just happens.  Emotions are like that.  So, to a normal amount of people, if you woke up right next to lava in an otherwise-dark room, you might start crying.  It's a lot to process.  You also could jump straight into evaluation mode, but lets be honest, you have to be crazy to get to that point without at least panicking a bit first.  So you cry.

This, in the child's mind, justified their actions.

Alas, in the middle of a stone floor, a skinny, dual haired child, no older than (at most) 5, cried.  Steam emitted from their face as each tear fell.  Despite the burning, the kid felt cold on the bare stone floor. They were learning their early, painful first lesson: don't cry.

Small noises came from the kid, not your traditional sobbing but not exactly your run-of-the-mill endermen noises.  The noises, however one may identify them, echoed throughout the stronghold.  This may have attracted some unwanted attention, especially in this world, but the little one has no idea where they were, much less the threats.  Only that...

They couldn't remember.

It hurt their brain as they tried to grasp onto something, anything they could find, but it was all a blur of white black and purple.  The more they thought about it, the more they cried.  They felt so helpless and weak.  They could barely breathe, for crying out loud.

"Hey, calm down and breathe kid."

The voice had suddenly popped into their head, making the child startle, causing a hiccup.  The kid immediately stopped, the words erasing from his mind as fast as they came.  They tried to make the sound they just made again, and a few seconds later another hiccup came.  The child seemed just as amused by the hiccup as the first time, and wanted to do it again.

The child didn't realize the purple particles floating around them, or that the voice wasn't in their head but from an external source.  They made small talk with each other, it seemed, at least five of them were yelling about something and twelve other ones were calming them down.  Most of them seemed to be happy that the kid was crying less.

They were all whispers to the main character, though.  They could understand them, but there was a problem: they didn't remember how to speak.  So, the next best option to get their attention was bat at them, trying to catch them.  The kid just found it amusing to try and catch them in their hands, for they had completely forgotten that language existed entirely.

The purple things went silent for a moment, dodging the kids hands, before erupting into questions and greetings.

"Good morning friend!"
"What's morning?"
"I'm not sure!"
"Where are we?"
"Who're you again?"
"I want some food"
"Hi I'm number 24 reporting for duty!"
"Haha duty."
"Shut up 69!"
"Hehehe 69."
"Ooooo particle 31 swore in front of the kid..."
"Shut up 19."
"Guys plz ur scaring le child"
"Oh please they're 5 they don't care"
"Well start setting a good example then!"
"Can we get food?"
"What's a food"
"Eat the child"
"Wtf no"
"Can we drink that glowy stuff?"

Childboo - Dream SMP Ranboo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now