And taking it apart again

Start from the beginning

They looked back. Marshmallow coughed up some blood, having slid back down to the wet ground again but still leaning against the tree. "Oh, you want to know how I killed everyone?" She chuckled, then coughed again. "It would be my pleasure."

Marble groaned. "Please. We don't need any clichés."

Marsh ignored her and began to speak. "On that first night, when I took quesadillas to Barf Bag and Fireball, Barf Bag mentioned how Fireball should stay in the infirmary for the night to heal. It was so easy to sneak out later and find something lethal in the infirmary to inject her with."

"That day Dicey fell down the stairs - he really did just trip on his own, the clumsy little idiot. I left the arts and crafts cabin to get the others and found Barf Bag alone in the lounge. Now, I'd already swiped a pair of scissors from the A&C cabin when nobody was looking, and it was a risky move, but..." Marshmallow began to giggle.

"What's so funny?" demanded Bone.

She let it die off. "Oh, nothing. It's just..." Another quiet giggle escaped her split lips. "I guess you could say that killing Barf Bag was a roll of the dice."

The others would have groaned had the mood not been sour enough. "Jeez, tough crowd," Marsh muttered.

"Just get on with it," Cheesy spat.

"Yeah, yeah. For the record, me vomiting when I 'stumbled across' Barf Bag's body was totally real, as was me recovering the next day. Buuuut, I quickly got used to the blood. Anyways, y'all know how the archery range is really close to Cabin 2? You can get there and back within five minutes if you cut though the woods. The morning after I was sick, I got up early, went there to grab a bow and arrow, and waited until Box left the cabin to go kill Conditioner. Stubborn girl didn't die the first time, so I had to shoot her twice. Then I just walked to the showers and took a quick one as an alibi."

So she DID have hidden strength, Flaggy thought to herself.

Marshmallow chuckled again. "Man, the discussion for that kill sure was a train wreck. It had its uses, though. I know my own strength, and I know those bows would have been nearly impossible for anyone else to draw back. Box-" Cheesy choked out a sob at the mention of the younger kid's name. "-made it extra easy by wanting to be alone for a while in the A&C cabin; all I had to do was sneak past Bottle, shoot the kid, and get out. She wasn't hard to get by. Your 'detective work' did the rest during the discussion."

Bone put his face in his hands as the murderer continued. "I will say, Marble, your disappearance and reappearance into and from the woods did concern me. I was the one who snuck into your cabin while you slept and stole the laptop."

"Rrrrr..." Marble growled again.

"You all already know that my attempt to hack TV's arm nearly worked, but I had to help save Flaggy to keep up appearances. I was stupid to stay around at the time. Too many people there. Looking back on it, it's pretty ironic that my own life was almost ended by my own means, in a roundabout way."

"As for Flower, I had kept an eye on her for the whole game. The moment I realized she had a showering schedule, I knew she was dead. Stealing TV's arm back was such a cinch — you guys should really be better at securing your cabins. After that, I only had to go back to the lounge and pretend to be asleep on the floor."

"Shut up shut up shut UP" Cheesy whimpered, hands on the sides of his head. Bottle placed a palm on his back for support.

Marshmallow's face darkened. "God, I'm STILL pissed at Bowling Ball and Suitcase for offing themselves like that. They were my best alibis." Nobody knew how to even respond to such a horrendous statement. "My anger and frustration yesterday at that was completely real, but it was also a good front to get rid of that meddling Brain. He almost caught me, too. Of course I had to get the smart one as a cabin mate."

Yet Another Murder Mystery (multi object show fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now