Roll the dice

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"Oh no." Bowling Ball shot up and ran for the door. Marshmallow helped pull Suitcase to her feet and they followed.

The three of them ran downstairs to see Dicey sprawled at the bottom of the staircase. The metal railing right at the end was slightly dented, and blood was leaking from somewhere within his mess of salt-and-pepper hair. His left arm was trapped underneath his body, bent at an unnatural angle, and a container of beads he was presumably holding before had spilled all over the floor. One of the lenses of his glasses, which were bent and broken, had shattered completely. Marshmallow covered her mouth to prevent vomit from escaping.

Bowling Ball bent down to check Dicey's pulse when a flash of white caught his eye. He quickly looked towards the side door to see the tail end of something long flutter away. A scarf? He pointed. "I think the murderer just ran off!"

"We can't let them get away!" Marshmallow swallowed the bile in her throat, started running, almost tripped on the beads, then sprinted out the side exit. Suitcase gently lay her fingers on Dicey's neck, then sadly looked up at Bowling Ball and shook her head. The younger boy was already gone.

BB sat down hard. "Oh god. Oh god oh god..." Suitcase sat down next to him and they waited there in an uncomfortable quiet for two excruciating minutes.

The front door slammed open and several people barged in. Envelope, leading the charge, immediately slipped on several beads and fell to the floor almost comically. WL4 and Flaggy did the same, but Mac and Flower managed to slow down before tripping.

Mac saw Dicey's body and went pale. "Is he...?" he asked Suitcase and Bowling Ball, not even able to finish the sentence. Suitcase just put her face in her hands, which was all the answer Mac needed.

As the others got up from the ground groaning, Marshmallow led Bone, Cheesy, TV, and Conditioner into the room. Conditioner just sighed the moment she saw Dicey's body. "God, here we go again."

Bone glared at her. "Couldn't you be a little more respectful than that? "Somebody just died!"

Flaggy glanced at Bone miserably, temporarily distracted from the sight of Dicey. He seemed much less timid and more confident than he had been the past two days, but before she could pursue that train of thought, Mac spoke up. "Let's not fight right now. I hate to say this, but we... we should try to figure out who the murderer was."

Conditioner mumbled something unintelligible but sat down on the nearest bench.

Bowling Ball looked up from the ground. "Well, Marshmallow, Suitcase, and I were all on the second floor when we heard someone push Dicey down the stairs. I think I saw someone running out the side door, but not who, so Marshmallow chased after them. Marsh, did you... ever... see who it was?"

She shook her head. "No. I ran as fast as I could, but I didn't see anyone until I ran into Bone, TV, and Cheesy together by the cabins. Conditioner encountered us when I was leading them back. But..." Marshmallow slowly turned to Flower, WL4, Mac, Envelope, and Flaggy. " did you guys know to come here?"

WL4 stuck a thumb over his shoulder to point at Envelope. "This guy led us here."


"He fell on his own?" TV questioned. "In any normal scenario I could see that happening, but-"

"-this is anything but normal," Flower finished.

Cheesy pointed at Envelope. "Are you sure you didn't see anyone?"




TV glanced between Cheesy and Envelope. Everyone else watching could almost see the gears turning. "What are you thinking, Cheesy?"

Cheesy scratched his chin. "Well, either we've got a very sneaky killer on our hands, or..."

"Or?" WL4 prompted.

"...or Envelope here could be lying."

"WHAT??" Envelope protested loudly. "THAT'S PREPOSTEROUS!"

Conditioner steepled her fingers against her temples. "So you're saying that Envelope killed Dicey?"

Cheesy spread his hands open. "Not exactly. I'm just saying that we should consider all the possibilities."

"So then let's consider another possibility."

Everyone glanced at Flaggy. She hadn't spoken a word since she entered, until now. Her eyes were red, yet no tears had fallen. "You said the murderer might be really sneaky, right? If that's the case, then maybe they managed to get past Marsh and the others and is still hiding upstairs, or somewhere else nearby."

The others contemplated this for a moment. Bone quickly counted everyone in the room. "There's twelve people here. Marble's been missing since yesterday, so that leaves Barf Bag, Bottle, Box, and Brain."

"Lotta B's," commented WL4 offhandedly.

"I left Box by his cabin," Cheesy said. "When Envelope arrived and said that someone was dead, I didn't want the kid to see anything ugly."

"SO THEN WE SHOULD LOOK FOR ONE OF THE OTHERS! I'LL GO UPSTAIRS." Envelope got up off the floor and, casually stepping over Dicey's corpse, began to climb the stairs.

Cheesy got up as well and rushed after him. "Not sure I trust this guy yet!" he called out to the others. Conditioner shrugged and followed them. Marshmallow, Flaggy, Flower, and WL4 went out the side door, while Mac, TV, and Bone exited through the front. Before they knew it, Bowling Ball and Suitcase were the only ones left in the Arts and Crafts cabin once more.

BB looked at Dicey again, then at Suitcase. Her face was still buried in her hands. "You... alright?"

She didn't answer.

"Well, i-if you ever wanna talk, I'm here."

Still no answer. Hesitantly, BB stood up and followed Marsh and the others out the side door, leaving Suitcase alone.


Flaggy's feet moved on their own. In reality, she was barely aware of what she had said earlier about looking for the others - most of her brain was occupied with the image of Dicey's broken body. As much as she tried to think about something else, she couldn't. At least with Fireball and 3D, she didn't know them very well. But Dicey shared a cabin with her and TV - hell, they had talked less than half an hour before he went off towards the Arts and Crafts cabin. It was just too real.



She shook her head and her train of thought stopped. She glanced next to her to see Bowling Ball matching her pace, looking concerned. He must have caught up to her without her noticing. "You good?"

Flaggy breathed a deep sigh. "Not completely... but, I hope I'll pull through for-"

"Hey guys, the door here is ajar!" Marshmallow's voice interrupted both their conversation and some quiet whispering between Flower and WL4. They had reached the lounge, and indeed, the door was slightly open. Marsh gingerly pushed it open all the way and stepped inside. "Hello? Anyone home?"

She froze. Uh-oh, Flaggy thought. Before the green-haired girl could move, Marshmallow bolted outside, almost knocking Flower down, and violently emptied the contents of her stomach all over the grass. WL4 winced at the horrible retching sounds she made.

Flower strode inside the room, then immediately walked out again, her pace quickening. "Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I can't deal with this," she muttered before disappearing down the pathway. WL4, Bowling Ball, and Flaggy all glanced at each other nervously before entering the lounge to see for themselves.

It was a small room, about the size of the infirmary. A large television standing on a wooden dresser took up most of one wall, with multiple video game consoles on the floor next to it and a huge mess of wires. Taking up the opposite wall was a large couch, and on the couch was Barf Bag. She looked fine, except for the small hole in her neck, and the blood trickling down the front of her dress.

She was very dead.

Yet Another Murder Mystery (multi object show fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now