Putting it all together

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It was a headache that woke Flaggy. Not the normal kind, but a proper migraine; one that makes you feel like an iron rod is embedded in your head, Phineas Gage style.

Nonetheless, she forced herself to get up. If TV and the others could actually figure a way out of Oodle's nightmarish game - no no, not if, WHEN, the thought to herself - she'd gladly endure anything to be part of that plan. Sleepily, she gazed around the cabin, seeing a neatly made bed across from hers. TV must have already left.

She got up, did her best to get ready in the bathroom, and found a note tacked to the exit door as she was leaving the cabin. Meet me in the mess hall after you wake up, it read.

Easy enough to understand, even in her condition. Flaggy exited and immediately sighed as she felt raindrops on her hat and shoulders. Evidently, the storm from yesterday hadn't fully let up, although it was more of a drizzle now. Still annoying, however; Flaggy and TV both had to spend several minutes the previous night drying out their clothes, and she wasn't looking forwards to having to repeat that action. I hope TV managed to cover his exposed arm well enough, she thought.

Even so, the drizzle was cool and refreshing, and it helped to wipe away a small portion of her migraine. Feeling ever-so-slightly revitalized, Flaggy continued walking, the now-mud pathway squishing under her shoes. She took the long route around the showers and, after eventually reaching Cabin 3, knocked on the door. "Bottle? Cheesy?" she asked loudly. Even the small increase in volume made her wince. "TV wants us to meet him at the mess hall."

"Five more minutes," Cheesy groaned sleepily from the other side.

She simply shrugged and turned back towards the main path. On the intersection which led to the rest of the camp, she came across Bone. He was holding his cap over his head to protect himself from the rain. "Good morning," he said to her, clearly trying to sound somewhat upbeat.

"Hey," she croaked. "Where are the others?"

"Marble just threw a p-pillow at me when I tried to get her up, and Marshmallow didn't answer my knocks." He paused uneasily. "Her cabin door was locked and all the curtains were drawn shut in front of the windows. I'm... r-really worried about her."

Flaggy sighed. "Me, too. But... this'll sound cold, but I think we should leave everyone's psychological problems until after we get out of here."

They began to stroll together down the long path to the mess hall. "Speaking of," Bone said hesitantly, "who... who do you think it is?"

"The killer?"

Bone nodded. "Marble," replied Flaggy without even having to think about it. "You?"

"T... TV."

She halted, forcing him to stop walking too. "What? Why TV? He's trying to help us!"

Bone looked nervous. "Yeah, b-but... I don't know. Something doesn't seem right. The whole 'hacked' thing sounds t-too convenient, even if Marble really did have a laptop that belonged to Oodle. And with his arm electrocuting Flower..." He shook his head. "He had easy access to it."

"You haven't been around TV as much as I have here. He truly seems genuine about everything, including wanting to come up with an escape plan."

"F... fair enough. But what about Marble?"

"Actually, it's good that you asked. We should probably try to logic this out as much as possible."

She leaned against a damp tree on the side of the path. "From the first day we got here, she's acted unusually. She disappeared during the first night, under the pretense that she was looking for Oodle's cabin, when for all we know, she could have just been killing and running back into the forest after. Then she returns a few days later, and the next day, TV gets hacked by a laptop that SHE got from Oodle. I don't think I believe her story about it being stolen." She took a deep breath before continuing. "And then, just yesterday, she claimed she was going to defend WL4's innocence, but then just decided to... not? Sure, WL4 was being rude, but what's up with that?"

Bone shrugged. "I-I mean, in her defense, she did sort of have a couple points when she lost her cool yesterday. But you do still raise a pretty good argument."

"Either way, I also partially see this as a process of elimination. Let's assume for the sake of argument that it's not either of us." Flaggy tapped one of her fingers for each person she ticked off the list. "I already gave my reasons for TV. Bottle's all about preventing death, from what I know. Cheesy would have never killed Box. And Marshmallow's confirmed safe, sooooo-"

"Wait, wait." He held up a hand to stop her. "How is Marshmallow confirmed innocent?"

"Well, when Dicey died, Marshmallow was with Bowling Ball and Suitcase at the time. They backed her up on this when we were discussing his death, remember? She literally could not have killed him, and there's only one murderer. Ergo, that just leaves Mar-"

when Dicey died

A realization hit her like a steam train. Oodle and Marble's words echoed in her head. "The killer's only allowed to off one person at a time." When Dicey died, she thought, Barf Bag also died. But Barf Bag was definitely killed, since she had a stab wound in her neck. Which means Dicey really DID just fall down the stairs on his own, because he couldn't have also been *killed* by someone else due to that rule. And Marshmallow left Bowling Ball and Suitcase to go get the others after Dicey fell, which means she was unaccounted for when Barf Bag died, which means SHE'S NOT COMPLETELY CONFIRMED INNOCENT.

The pieces slid into place, one by one. Barf Bag was killed in the lounge with an unknown weapon. Yesterday, I found a pair of scissors with blood on them underneath the lounge's couch. The only place to get scissors is from the Arts and Crafts cabin, which is where Marsh left from.

The first night, Marshmallow took food to Barf Bag and Fireball in the infirmary. She could have learned that Fireball would be sleeping there - alone, an easy target. Simple enough to sneak out in the middle of the night and inject her with some lethal drug from the same room.

Marsh could have been hiding her strength. I almost died when TV was strangling me, until Marsh came and pried two of his fingers off my throat, when Flower and WL4 combined could only get one. If she's that strong, maybe she's strong enough to shoot one of the reinforced bows from the archery range?

The day Marble returned, Marsh commented on how she didn't trust her at all. Marsh may have snooped around Marble's cabin and found Oodle's laptop, which may have allowed her to somehow hack into TV's right arm.

She was good friends with Suitcase and Bowling Ball, but they were also good alibis for her. When they died, she could have faked her anger and pinned the blame on Brain. They shared a cabin, and with Brain's intelligence, he could have figured her out eventually, given enough time. He almost DID, too, before MARSHMALLOW FUCKING SHOT HIM IN FRONT OF ALL OF US.

Flaggy shot off the tree she was leaning against. "-shmallow," she finished, headache forgotten. "It's Marshmallow. FUCK!! We're so STUPID!" She punched the tree in frustration and immediately regretted it.

Not expecting the outburst, Bone leapt backwards slightly, almost dropping his hat. "W-what? But you just said-"

"I know, but... argh, there's no time to explain. Just- just get the others while I go tell TV. Quickly!" She pointed down the pathway they'd just travelled.

Bone glanced at her warily, but started to backtrack anyway. Flaggy wasted no more time in rushing to the mess hall, closing the distance in record time. She burst through the double doors, panting heavily. "TV!" she shouted desperately. "TV! We figured it out, it's-"

She skidded to a halt. TV lay on the ground ahead of her, lifeless, both organically and mechanically. Standing over him was Marshmallow. Her torso and face were splattered in blood as she repeatedly stabbed TV's corpse, ripping out bits and wires with every other gash. Flaggy wasn't sure which was worse: the madness in Marshmallow's eyes, or the fading light in TV's.

Either way, she knew instantly and without a doubt that both expressions would be permanently seared into her memory until the day she died.

Yet Another Murder Mystery (multi object show fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now